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单词 feb 例句大全,用单词feb造句:

Analysis Esprit will announce its earning result for 1H 2007 on 7 Feb, Wednesday.
Habitat and ecology In evergreen broadleaved forest. Flowering Feb. fruiting Aug.
Evert. Vedung Public Policy and Program Evaluation Transaction Publishers Feb 2000.
转引自。面对权力的规划。姜明修, 刘梅君译, 五南图书出版公司。
I should be able to make it to you mid week of feb, is that a good time for you dear
我二月中旬应该可以到你那里, 对你来说时间合适吗?
Registration Finish on 10th Feb, all information will be published one week afterward.
The Month of Feb ushers in two great Kagyu Masters to conduct programmes at the centre.
于二月, 中心请来了两为噶举的大师来主持活动。
On Qualities of the Party from the Correction of the Letter in Feb. By the Letter in Sept.
The authorities were unmoved. Willingham was executed by lethal injection on Feb. 17,2004.
The travel agency said it started taking bookings from Feb 1 for the nudist day trip on July 5.
该旅行社计划于7月5日出团, 并于2月1日已开始接受预约。
To all my UCLA friends, remember the last day to drop classes without a ‘W’ is this Sun, Feb 6.
The shipment marked the first sale of oil by the rebel government since the uprising that began on Feb.
We acknowledge your quotation dated Feb, 22 with thanks and want to place you our order No.883 as enclosed.
我方已收到贵方于2月22号的报价, 并将向你方订货, 订单号为883。
Making Happy People The Nature of Happiness and its Origin in Childhood, by Paul Martin, Harper Perennial, Feb.
Feb.18 of this year is the Spring Festival, the most important fete of the year according to our lunar calendar.
Charging invasion of privacy, they told Rodger they intend to file a formal complaint with the Federal Trade Commission by Feb. 16.
The last time the ECBs deposit facility was so flush was more than five months ago, on Feb. 7, when banks stashed 137 billion euros there.

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