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单词 farther 例句大全,用单词farther造句:

His raft went farther and farther, and the stream surface became narrower and narrower.
We want to place our stops farther away from the market than the average level of noise.
And they're going about, on average now, 38 kilometers farther than they did a decade ago.
它们现在 跟10年前相比,平均要多走40公里。
The universe seems to be rapidly expanding its component galaxies moving ever farther apart.
宇宙似乎在膨胀, 它的组成部分星系互相离得越来越远。
Farther north, Antares sets even earlier, whereas farther south Antares sets at a later hour.
In later trips during the day, the Sun will seem to move farther and farther toward the west.
出发得越迟, 太阳就越偏西。
The more complicated they the farther they are from prices and the farther away from reality.
A hundred yards farther on, Buck came upon one of the sled dogs Thornton had bought in Dawson.
向前一百码的地方, 巴克发现桑德在道盛买的一只雪橇狗。
Our flags now beckon the General farther west With Bugles in the dawn he rouses his Grand Army.
Merit consists in seeing into the nature of affairs a very great deal farther than anybody else.
A girl had a farreaching aspiration, and she will go farther now, four boys went to see her off.
一位心性高远的女孩要远走高飞了, 四个男孩去送她。
Treatments for more advanced cancers, however, are farther over the horizon than anybody can see.
Conflicting reports of how much radiation was spreading farther afield were enough to cause panic.
With the recent satellite farther and farther from sun, it's becoming more and more low temperature.
Farther afield, we also look forward to provide for the elderly, children are ignorant of everything.
再远点, 我们又期待着老有所养, 儿女们懂事。
In the cycle of destruction and creation, people find themselves farther and farther away from Utopia.
在毁灭与创生的轮回中, 人们离理想国越来越远。
Industry of confederative Germany shoemaking the shoemaking total output1982 appeared farther cut down.
Industry of confederative Germany shoemaking the shoemaking total output1984 appeared farther cut down.
A bit farther along, the sphere represents a molecule that dwarfs the foot-wide atom mounted to the railing.
In addition, ad business moves farther with a view to advertisement, video advertisement and gregarious network.
此外, 广告商将进一步着眼于移动广告, 视频广告和社交网络。
The farther her children were from hearth and home in adult life, the more highly did she tend to think of them.
The Farther Discussion Is about the Fefinition of Included Angle of Extreme Positions in the Plane Linkage Mechanism
He hitched his pack farther over on his left shoulder, so as to take a portion of its weight from off the injured ankle.
他把背包向左肩挪了挪, 以减轻扭伤的脚腕子的负担。
Finally, expectations for farther researches and applications of artificial immune system to metal forming were brought forward.
But as it is proceeding farther and farther the line of demarcation between the animate and inanimate is growing more and more dim.

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