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单词 fascia 例句大全,用单词fascia造句:

In medial, lateral side and dorsal of hands, the deep fascia is thiner, and the central part is thicker.
Anatomic Study of the Tensor Fascia Lata Myocutaneous Flap in Repairing Upper Limbs with Thirddegree Burn
Applied anatomy of deep temporal fascia and muscle flaps for repairing the base of anterior cranial fossa
Part of the anterior aspect of the origin of the tensor fascia is subperiosteally stripped from the ilium.
Treatment of closed multiple metacarpal fracture combined with acute palm osseous fascia compartment syndrome
The common trunk and lateral venous plexuses are covered and concealed by the prostatic and endopelic fascia.
The superficial and deep fascia over the sartorius muscle are divided, medial to the tensor fascia lata muscle.
Stage III Fullthickness skin loss involves damage or necrosis of subcutaneous tissue that may extend to the fascia.
Conclusions The tibialis anterior muscle and deep fascia flaps possess regular vasa vasorum and abundant vascularity.
Objective To investigate the effect of the suspension using allogenic fascia lata in laxity and ectropion correction.
Objective To summarize the experience of reconstruction of the external ear using expanded post skin flap and fascia.
Treatment of refractory inner canthus deformity using autologous fascia combined with titanium plate and titanium nail
Treatment of Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Using Subcutaneous Anterior Transposition of the Ulnar Nerve With Peripheral Fascia.
Gu Ge once regarded the flow of invite applications for a job with expatiatory and low efficiency as a fascia is shown off.
Results The deep cervical fascia was divided into four layers with the fasciae of the infrahyoid muscles being a single layer.
Forehead island flap transfer with superficial temporal vessels and fascia pedicle for the treatment of nasal partial defects.
The standard front end of the 599 has been replaced with an aggressive front fascia, complete with a down forcegenerating splitter.
标准前端599已改为积极正面筋膜, 完整的压力产生器。
Accelerating osteogenesis and revascularization of tissue engineered bone using fascia flap in Chinese goats tibia defect repairing
Objective To study the clinic application of locate silicone gel implant in backside of superficial layer of thorax superficial fascia.
To close the wound, allow the triceps muscle to fall anteriorly into its bed and then loosely close the fascia with interrupted sutures.
Clemency can be separated from the main heel, Interdigital leather fascia, the lateral heel developed, in the swamps suitable to operate.
主蹄宽大能分开, 趾间有皮腱膜, 侧蹄兴旺, 适宜在沼泽地行走。
Analysis of 72 cases of internal fascia hysterectomy of abdominal small incision by cluster cutting off and fastening the uterine ligament
The lower eyelid blepharoplasty using fascia ligament of orbital muscle sling and prevention of lower eyelid ectropin and its classification
Objective Traumatic and Postoperative eyelid retraction is resulted from the retraction of the levator aponeurosis and capsulopalpebral fascia.
This is a very strong and thick fascia, which extends anterolaterally from the lumbar spine. There are three distinct layers of the lumbodorsal fascia.

单词 fascia 释义

  • 单词释义:带;<医>绷带;(店门上的)招牌;<解>筋膜  [更多..]



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