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单词 felt 例句大全,用单词felt造句:

And for me as a curator, I felt proud. I felt I'd shifted the needle a little.
But I also felt the first hope I had felt since learning that my son was hurt.
He felt that Tsnombe was playing for time and would not abide by the agreement.
I felt that this was more than could reasonably be accomplished in three years.
有这一堆东西要搞, 我觉得自己大概无法三年准时毕业。
I felt dissed. Each answer burned me and I felt publicly shamed and humiliated.
每一个回答都让我恼火, 让我感觉当众受辱。
She felt that her life was becoming stale, and therein she felt cause for gloom.
她觉得生活越来越乏味, 而且为此感到忧愁。
Wang said he felt in control of all of his pitches and slowed his pace accordingly.
王说他今天投得得心应手, 并且顺势放慢步调。
I felt that I was being supported in my spirituality and felt a sense of rightness.
It was 23 minutes of absolute terror that thousands of people across the U. S. felt.
这是绝对恐怖的25分钟 数以千计的美国人都感觉到了。
Brilliance is accomplished by applying small amounts of lacquer to the hammer's felt.
The sister, accustomed as she was to austerities , felt a tear spring to her eyes.
Today he suddenly realized all the mistakes he had made in the past and felt much abashed.
I felt the numbness I last felt when I heard that President Kennedy had been assassinated.
He could tell a story about an event, and so you felt you were absolutely there at the moment.
他会把一件事讲得 让你觉得完全是身临其境。
Furthermore it was felt that any long range reconnaissance could be accomplished with aircraft.
They were only interested in each other, so I felt rather superfluous, ie felt that I shouldnt be there.
他们只是意在对方, 所以我自觉多馀在场。
The only part of me that connected with him physically was my lips but the connection I felt with him was absolute.
What should Meng Chee doWhat should the rest of Malaysian who felt oppressed and who felt sadden by this government
我只是要把事情盖下来, 让他继续过平淡的生活而已。
The Four Wonders of the Huangshan Mountain are absolutely breathtaking. I felt as if I had been in a different world.
When I heard him say that, I felt greatly relieved. or I felt a big load taken off my mind when I heard what he said.
听了他的话, 我心里宽绰多了。
She felt an overflowing love for bette, a much stronger emotion than she could recall ever having felt for anyone else.
Not one of her students felt any animosity or ill feelings toward her. Everyone in her class felt like it was their own home.
在她的课堂里, 每个人都感到像是在自己家里一样。
I felt myself drawing close to Masood, felt my hand stretch out towards him as though I wanted to touch the hem of his garment.
I felt on my right shoulder, through a thick parka, shirt, bullet proof vest, and Tshirt the coldest hand I have ever felt touch my skin.
Looking at the busy workers on the assembly lines, the general manager felt it was absolutely possible to accomplish the production plan by the end of the year.

单词 felt 释义

  • 单词释义:n.毡,毡制品,(造纸用的)毛布;vt.把...制成毡,使粘结;vi.粘结 vbl.feel的过去式和过去分词  [更多..]



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