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单词 find 例句大全,用单词find造句:

The survival of the United States depends on the ability to find new sources of energy.
I find that extraordinary, not to be able to see light, not to be able to see darkness.
This is perhaps the only piece of Nazi symbolism that the world does not find abhorrent.
Become a Master Chef, and find out just how hard it is to find the ingredients for food!
Who cannot find time for recreation are obliged sooner or later to find time for idleness.
I find the parking here quite under strain. The late comers might find no parking available.
我发现停车位很紧张, 是不是来晚了就没有车位了呢?
Enclosed please find our confirmation of sale, no.180, which we trust you will find in order.
Happiness't the easiest find, but one place you're guaranteed find it is in a friend's smile.
Therefore I cannot find the life the true meaning, cannot find the atonement scar the good medicine.
The others will have to find themselves an oligarch, or find shelter as part of a bigger organisation.
Sometimes trying to find something on the worldwide web is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
Three times he abdicated the throne, as such people cannot find an appropriate title to commend his deed.
他三次让位给别人, 人民都不知如何称颂他。
What I find kind of find comical is that all three of these methods to eliminate fear conflict in some way.
The donkey was very happy to find how much lighter was very happy to find how much lighter the salt became.
The police, he says, are under more pressure to find any culprit for a crime than to find the real one.
In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.
Relevant Saudi governmental agencies endeavour to find custodial families for orphaned and abandoned children.
Fake friends are easy to find and easy to loose but real friends are the hardest to find and hardest to loose.
虚伪的朋友容易找, 也容易散真心朋友最难找, 也最难散
I am gonna go out and find the most vindictive lawyer I can find, and together we are going to eviscerate you.
It is really difficult to find shoes in size XXL, I have visited several shops and still can't find a single pair.
You'll find families like this who go out into the forest to find a tree, cut it down and make charcoal out of it.
你常能看到这样一家人一起去森林里 砍了树,再做成木炭
Beautiful sheep sheep and lazy sheep sheep find village head, warm boiling sheep sheep sheep sheep find dungeon keys.
Well, it depends whether you are just trying to find one potential or if you are trying to find all the possible potentials.
Just as it is important to find the right pulse for a piece of music, so you must find the right rhythm by which to live your life.
After a short break to find the next eswc the playing field, we decided tomorrow to find tod said that Paris could play games of the Internet cafes.

单词 find 释义

  • 单词释义:发现;找到;遇见;认识到,认为;现有(可用);发觉;达到;存在;裁决  [更多..]



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