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单词 fighting 例句大全,用单词fighting造句:

His acting was spot on like the character and they showed some cool fighting techniques of his.
The Chelsea players fighting spirit and makes one admire pliably also make the life intimidated.
The play features scenes of hand-to-hand fighting between two actors wearing jacket and trousers.
Fighting against false is always a kind of group behaving, including fighting against false news.
When I left on my holiday just over a week ago, I was fighting a battle with a deeprooted addiction.
After Zhao the reform, the army's fighting capacity was strengthened and won battles after the other.
When I'm not fighting poverty, I'm fighting fires as the assistant captain of a volunteer fire company.
在我消灭贫穷之余,我也灭火 我是志愿消防居的副指挥
Furthermore, we have also developed holistic approaches to fighting aging yoga, herbs, acupuncture, etc.
此外, 我们还开展了抗衰老的整体疗法瑜伽, 草药, 针刺等。
Difficulty in fighting against invaders and administering the country helped the formation of autocracy.
Endowed with a strong will and outstanding determination, he never ceased fighting to achieve this ideal.
The drawing of fighting tigers in Tang Dynasty is true source of the drawing of Wu Song's fighting tigers.
唐人的打虎场面刻画, 是武松打虎描写的真正源头。
Since Tuesday, Gazans took advantage of the lull in fighting to return to work and shop for daily necessities.
从星期二起, 加沙人民利用战斗的间歇恢复工作, 购买日用品。
After years' fighting in one place after another, the government-in-exile finally returned to its native land.
In ancient times, if enemies accidentally met underneath mistletoe, they had to hug and stop fighting for a day.
在古代, 如果与敌人相遇在槲寄生下, 以互相拥抱而停战一天。
Training of the Mental Quality of Seaman and Acting Ability According to Circumstances in the Ships Fire Fighting
To carry out the work of fighting against the false in accounting and ensure the reality of accounting information
TITe is no adversity on Christmas day.Even the soldiers are not adverse to fighting.EVery abundanceone is affable.
Distorted accounting information in fixed assets is one of the important tasks in fighting against the accounting false.
On postgraduate education of ideology of frontier defense, fire fighting and security troop in Armed Police Academy of PRC
It includes long fists, short hands, full contact free fighting and preprogrammed fighting techniques and various weapons.
A number of international organizations have adopted instruments, including conventions, aimed at fighting corruption and bribery.
When you engage in actual fighting, if victory is long in coming, then mens weapons will grow dull and their ardor will be damped.
Formulating contingency plans for fire fighting and emergency evacuation , and organizing fire fighting exercises at regular intervals.
制定灭火和应急疏散预案, 定期组织消防演练。
Filled with sensational fight sequences choreographed by the renowned Lau Brothers, Fists And Guts is pure, gutsy fighting for the kung fu aficionados!
全片动作场面由刘家班精心泡制, 功夫片迷可大饱眼福。
To enforce the construction of the culture of clean and honest administration is a basic work for fighting against corruption and building clean government.

单词 fighting 释义

  • 单词释义:战斗的;好战的;作战用的;适于打斗的  [更多..]



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