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单词 fifteen 例句大全,用单词fifteen造句:

One brother and sister visiting the Hall watched a cloaked apparition for fifteen minutes.
For small animals, please apply for quarantine and inspection fifteen days prior to entry.
According to the traditional habits, the tibets New Year Festival often lasts fifteen days.
Fifteen to 18 percent of all pregnancies result in miscarriage, and I find this astounding.
流产的比率是百分之15 到20。令我吃惊的是
Iran is televising another apology from one of the fifteen captured British service members.
And curtains fifteen cubits long are to be on the other side, with three posts and three bases.
In the fifteen minutes that Beau and I sat with katherine, she never said a word and never moved.
Allow to activate for up to fifteen minutes before rinsing completely with handfuls of cool water.
The court handed down very heavy sentences ranging from fifteen to twenty years on all the accused.
As soon as he got well, he put me under arrest for fifteen days as a punishment for my disobedience.
他身体一好就把我禁闭了十五天, 作为对我违抗命令的惩罚。
Curtains fifteen cubits long are to be on one side of the entrance, with three posts and three bases
Curtains fifteen cubits long are to be on one side of the entrance, with three posts and three bases.
Fifteen years ago, in1993, the General Assembly adopted the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action.
At dinnertime I spent fifteen francs for a meal, just about twice the amount I had planned to allot myself.
吃饭时花了十五法郎, 这是我给自己规定的饭钱的大约一倍。
Please arrive fifteen minutes ahead to get familiar with the environment and baby can get more fun from it.
The fifteen drums of methyl alcohol, in addition to loose lids, are bulging. You might as well recooper them.
And Enosh lived after he had begotten Kenan eight hundred fifteen years, and he begot more sons and daughters.
After fifteen years of teaching, he was seconded to the Ministry of Education to advise them on school planning.
Will you apologize to Mr. Brown for keeping him waiting, but we muse continue his conversation for about fifteen minutes more.
Fifteen years ago, it was widely assumed that the vast majority of brain development takes place in the first few years of life.
He began wandering about for his living at the age of fifteen and ten years later he managed to set up his own career as an actor.
The paper gives an overview of the principles of editing and social benefits of the Acta Geographica Sinica for the last fifteen years.
Study on the Restrict Factors in the Cultivating Techniques of Fifteen Thousand Kilograms Sugar Per Hectare Adopted by Sugarcane Planter
Three times five hundred is fifteen hundred. Fifteen hundred plus 100 is 1598 Yuan. Your taxi charge is higher than i imagined it would be.
There are 1820 enterprises of Fifteen Small Kinds that restarted the production being phased out and 1693 enterprises being stopped for pollution treatment.

单词 fifteen 释义

  • 单词释义:十五;业余英式橄榄球队  [更多..]



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