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单词 fiery 例句大全,用单词fiery造句:

Fiery weaponry will be added, including torches and flaming arrows and bolts.
His plans were bold and fiery, and his conceptions glowed with barbaric lustre.
The voices did not complain, only warm words of the blessing of the fiery heart.
没有抱怨的声音, 只有温暖的祝福的话语的火热的心。
My eyes were always closed to the name calling and the fiery brawls of the sane.
我总是无视他们对我的称呼, 但内心却挣扎似火。
The flare had burst behind her, lighting the whole area with its fiery red glow.
And listen to him reach across the fiery chasm of war to those on the other side
It can smolder undetected for hours, then suddenly explode in fiery destruction.
His fiery campaign rhetoric has kept opposition parties on their toes for months.
A large terracotta pot planted with Busy Lizzie provides a fiery bright red display.
Antares It is fiery red in colour and the biggest star in the Scorpion constellation.
Along the way, the fiery Mr. Ma built a strong cult of personality inside the company.
Even the Reverend Ian Paisley, the fiery leader of the Democratic Unionist Party, came.
Volcanoes are awesome manifestations of the fiery power contained deep within the Earth.
Doda never went with the execution party into the Dune Sea and was spared a fiery death.
Alchemy stone of fire grants magical attribute of fiery damage resistance on accessories.
A fiery steed is not trained in a courtyard, nor does a pine grow sturdy in a greenhouse.
Perhaps under the fiery red lantern India lining roof is they tonight the nuptial chamber.
CAREER Fiery Aries definitely will feel motivated to make a social contribution to society this year.
Incinerate the Dragon can soar up and give the target a specifically powerful blow of its fiery breath.
But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.
The big monsters show up repeatedly to swoop down on livestock and set huts on fire with their fiery breath.
这些巨兽一再出现俯冲猎捕家畜, 而且喷火烧毁茅草屋。
And whoso falleth not down and worshippeth shall the same hour be cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace.
凡不俯伏敬拜的, 必立时扔在烈火的窑中。
This time, Fiery Unicorn caught university student Bong to admit to a spate of robbery, assault and molestation cases.
Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you.
亲爱的弟兄啊, 有火炼的试验临到你们, 不要以为奇怪
Secondly, his arrogant attitude, fiery temper and pompous nature can become an obstacle in his professional and personal relationships.
尽管那封信有点自负, 可是却很简明扼要。

单词 fiery 释义

  • 单词释义:激烈的;火似的;火热的;易燃烧的  [更多..]



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