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单词 fifty 例句大全,用单词fifty造句:

For more than fifty years, Junior Achievement programs met after school.
五十多年以来, 青年成功项目都是在放学后进行。
Leadership is fifty percent sense of mission and fifty percent willpower.
This article, about fifty thousand words, consists of five parts. Part one.
Fifty cigarettes a day is overdoing it, you must admit, you must cut it down.
Approximately fifty fans greeted the Azzurri upon their departure to Tbilisi.
The household appliances division has sold fifty air-conditioning units today.
I like convent but I wish they will not admit any women under the age of fifty.
Celebrating Fifty Anniversary of PRC and Witnessing Ten Great Invent of Fishery
I like convent, but I wish they will not admit any women under the age of fifty.
我喜欢女修道院, 但希望其不至收容年龄五十以下之妇人。
I like convents, but I wish they wouldn't admit any women under the age of fifty.
I shall be glad if you will forward fifty ton of coal, in accordance with your sample.
请按照贵公司提供的样品, 供应我司50吨煤炭, 谢谢。
Zhiming (understanding the decree of providence) is another name for a fifty year old.
The company continues to use the slogan in its advertising more than fifty years later.
五十多年后的今天, 该公司还在使用这口号。
Some disputes on the artistic method of The Diary of the Madman in the past fifty years
Clothes of the fifty-six ethnic groups are assembled here, they all have their own style.
Similarly so, I cannot let my teaching profession achieve the fifty the words, also is defeated!
同样如此, 我不能让我的执教生涯达到半百的话, 也是失败!
Fifty years of trials, promote the relationship between China and the African people. I came home.
五十年风雨兼程, 把中非人民连接得更紧。
Four hundred and fifty million of them are in Africa, and five million of them are in South Africa.
But I put aside twentyfive or fifty cents when I could afford it for my lithe girls Christmas presents.
Yet progress with artificial intelligence has been slower than those scientists fifty years ago had hoped.
Method Fifty six patients were randomly divided into a nape acupuncture group and an acupuncture control group.
and the women attendant, who are aged proportionably to ours at fifty, perform only the most menial offices.
Not long after the first edition appeared, he was charged with publishing obscene literature and fined fifty dollars.
第一版后没多久, 他被控以发布淫亵文学及罚款五十元。
Once upon a time, the Buddha sojourned in the Jetavana park near Sravasti with an assembly of twelve hundred and fifty bhiksus.
Fifty years, such as power sweep Gong, Huaqing Salix Xianyang grass, to judge the historical facts of characters, the atmosphere, such as rainbow.
五十年功如电扫, 华清花柳咸阳草, 品评史实人物, 大气如虹。

单词 fifty 释义

  • 单词释义:五十;五十几;五十年代  [更多..]



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