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单词 fiercely 例句大全,用单词fiercely造句:

I'm sure they'll defend fiercely and try to score through counterattacks.
我确信他们会凶狠的防守, 并且会通过防守反击来得分。
Its like an aristocrat gone to seed, fiercely hanging onto respectability.
仰光就像一个没落的贵族, 在勉力维持着昔日的尊贵。
Father argued fiercely against any increase in expenditure for the children.
These mysteries were solved by the fiercely intelligent Parisian, Auguste Dupin.
The turbid yellow river water fiercely reflected the blazing sun of the plateau.
The harsh desert environs of Klatooine resulted in a fiercely tenacious species.
This can make the donkey angered, it lifted to a tiger, fiercely hoof to play. 4.
这可把驴子激怒了, 它抬起后蹄, 猛地向老虎踢去。
I could scarcely catch my breath, so fiercely was I impelled through the heavens.
要我这么匆剧地飞过天空, 竟弄得我喘不上气来。
When the small mouse came out, the cat rushed fiercely, and ate the mouse gustoly.
小老鼠出来了, 小猫猛地扑过去, 把小老鼠津津有味地吃掉了。
She came to my bedside, put her candle close to my face and stared fiercely at me.
她来到我床边, 用蜡烛照着我的脸, 凶狠地盯着我。
When the cockroach finds that Tao Zi falls into a coma again, it bites her fiercely.
蟑螂发觉陶子又昏过去了, 就狠狠咬了她一口。
It would consign America to second place in our fiercely competitive global economy.
Biting his lip fiercely, he almost felt like letting fly with some good, hard curses.
The wind became much stronger. It blew fiercely. It became a typhoon. Trees fell down.
I put the lid on the pot, but the water is boiling so fiercely that it won't stick on.
我把壶盖盖上了, 可水沸腾得太猛, 盖不住。
soon, in the rich orange light of the flames, he could see a hay rick burning fiercely.
The anti-government army, and the government army fought fiercely for the storage of arms.
The Addu people are fiercely independent and speak differently from people in the capital.
阿杜人极为特立独行, 说话都和首都人不同。
Lifting her skirt, leveling her cane fiercely before her, she began to march across the river.
However, when different factions jockey fiercely for power, the support of the military is crucial.
All building universal destruction, the terrain changes fiercely, the zoology and botany suffers destroys
一切建筑物普遍毁坏, 地形剧烈变化, 动植物遭毁灭
Unexpectedly one burst shot, the dark night knight was subjected to a daunt, fiercely reign I assault since then.
Hides the mastiff is one kind protects loyally main, advances bravely fiercely, does not fear the violence only the god dog.
Qin Lans words havent talked, but be delighted with wild delight of autumn the son beginning fiercely embrace into a brisket.
秦岚的话还没有说话, 但被狂喜的秋子初猛的搂进怀里。
He is fiercely ambitious and is very determined and outgoing. Sometimes his ideas are so grand we have to scale them back a bit.

单词 fiercely 释义

  • 单词释义:凶猛地;残酷地;猛烈地;激烈地  [更多..]



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