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单词 fastidious 例句大全,用单词fastidious造句:

Silk tapestries series products do fastidious, needed materials excellent.
If you are a fastidious housekeeper , you shouldnt get a Golden Retriever.
如果你是一个挑剔的主妇, 最好不要选择金毛。
We can tolerate them even if they are fastidious girls, don't you think so?
Drugresistance and Isolation of Fastidious Bacteria in Low Respiratory Tract
Vacuum extraction of fastidious prokaryotes limited in plant vascular bundle
fastidious Possessing or displaying careful, meticulous attention to detail.
How was it that a man so exact and fastidious culd have made this error of a day
现在人们要问, 一个象他这样精细的人, 怎会把日子记错的呢
I was fastidious, exigeant, you understand, with a thousand francs in my pocket.
我兜里有了一千法郎, 挑剔, 眼界高, 这你们也清楚。
Being as fastidious as she was, Psyche straightened up the messy place of worship.
More fastidious hygiene has also been important for stemming the spread of disease.
Fastidious implies concern, often excessive, for the requirements of taste Fastidious
表示的是出于品味要求的, 通常是过分的关心
However, to Baoyong, Wang Li is a fastidious boss occasionally with morning temperament.
It also accounts for Americans being very fastidious about making and keeping appointment.
Select material fastidious is another of bright type furniture outstanding characteristic.
The delicacies of Phoenix in Hunan are fastidious about color, flavor, and taste as a whole.
湖南凤凰人在饮食方面十分讲究精粹, 注重色香味全。
They are fastidious about food the new nutrition, does not eat has chemical composition food.
他们讲究食物的新鲜营养, 不吃有化学成分的食物。
Some people have strong desire of the superiority and the fastidious relation to other people.
有些人有强烈的优越感, 与他人相处时也吹毛求疵。
Industry in the expert told the reporters, also has compared with the estate price is fastidious.
业内专家告诉记者, 比较楼盘价格也是有讲究的。
although some patients with chronic conditions are fastidious about taking pills or insulin properly
Convey Field Company is fastidious about the technical transportation, our predominance is the labor.
If is putting on the short evening dress, the shoe and sock matching needs to be fastidious specially.
But the question is, the defense is fastidious about the coordination, coordinated and hopes in advance.
但问题是, 防守讲究配合, 协调和预盼。
Even if in leaves in the hotel front door's choice, often Czechoslovakia also has a set to be fastidious.
Being fastidious about the natural feature of cooking materials ensures the special flavor of Guangxi dishes.
There was also among the Italians of that period a singular and fastidious apprehension of too much daylight.

单词 fastidious 释义

  • 单词释义:挑剔的;讲究的;苛求的;(微生物等)需要复杂营养的  [更多..]



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