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单词 fast 例句大全,用单词fast造句:

Extinction for the Fast Diffusion Equations with Nonlinear Gradient Absorption in Rn
The point of this standard is to make switching between wireless access points fast.
Abnormal and hazard status fast handling system based on objective multi data sources
This is abnormal.Fast amenorrhoea condition. You must go to special hospital looking.
You can use an index to gain fast access to specific information in a database table.
They ran so fast that the soldier accidentally stepped on the youngest princess'cape!
她们跑得很快, 以致于士兵一个不小心踩到小公主的披肩!
Performance and Fast Setting Mechanism of Non Alkali Liquid Cement Fast Setting Agent
I began to fell in love with it, class view, class is looking, progressive abnormal fast.
A hotline is telephone service where fast direct access to information is made available.
Abstract Glutamate is the major fast excitatory transmitter in the central nervous system.
During this fast they abstain from the gratification of every appetite and passion whatever.
The wind travels as fast as a speeding automobile and often it is accompanied by heavy rain.
风速就像疾驰的汽车一样快, 还经常伴随着暴雨。
Downward movement with the fast and feeding speed, the fast movement improve work efficiency.
Spill Codes and Memory Access Pressure Sensitive Fast Machine Learning for Register Allocation
Variations on the fast food restaurant concept include fast casual restaurants and catering trucks.
Note reelect to use investment little, benefit is tall, get effective fast short smooth fast project.
With the fast development of biogas project, the amount of the abnormal biogas digester also increases.
At the very least, in a country where restaurants serve snails, fast food is clearly culturally aberrant.
至少, 在一个遍布蜗牛餐馆的国度, 快餐明显属于异类。
The fast eccentric training improves the fast eccentric strength of ankle dorsi flexion muscles significantly.
Fast maneuver and fast reaction, and arrive at the service place required by the customer in the shortest time.
快速机动, 反应迅速, 在最短时间内到达客户要求服务地点。
In fast The insurance is fast and can best embody the characteristics of winning tactics at a quick way to attack.
Cole combines height, physical presence and aerial ability a surprisingly touchfinishing ability is improving fast.
A study on the wave accumulation and velocity vibration of floating bridges subjected to fast and heavy moving loads
Wan Jun was such a fast runner that he could almost catch up with a deer. Wan Jun ran so fast that he could almost catch up with a deer.
With the web now home to 800 million pages, Oslo-based Fast Search & Transfer (FAST) has developed a search engine capable of scanning over 200 million of them.
现在,互联网上共有八亿多个网页。总部设在奥斯陆的快速查询与传送公司Fast Search&Transfer开发了一种可扫描二亿多个网页的搜索引擎。

单词 fast 释义

  • 单词释义:快的;走得快;感光快的;紧的  [更多..]



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