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单词 fell 例句大全,用单词fell造句:

I liked playing on the horizontal bars but I accidentally fell and got hurt.
He fell back dead. As he died, the dog released and fell down dead with him.
Turtle suddenly lost control, he accidentally fell on the back of the rabbit.
Since old Jones fell ill, his son has been acting for him in all his affairs.
自老琼斯患病后, 他得儿子一直代他处理一切事务。
As they fell back down the valley, an army of refugees fell back before them.
当他们沿着山谷撤退时, 他们前面有一大队难民正在溃逃。
George Merry fell head first into the hole, and another fell on his side, dead.
乔治?墨利第一个头朝下栽到洞里, 另一个也倒在他身边, 死了。
I am against of people pushing you down and you pretending you accidentally fell.
Then Moses and Aaron fell facedown in front of the whole Israelite assembly there.
Microsoft to abandon the acquisition was led Yahoo's news Yahoo stock prices fell.
Abnormal beautiful girl looks impressed the king's heart, he fell in love with her.
姑娘异常美丽的容貌打动了国王的心, 他深深地爱上了她。
He observed that feathers fell to the ground slowly, while stones fell much faster.
I found out he was seeing another woman by accident, when a letter fell out his pocket.
He quickly fell right into bed and fell sound asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.
The wolf climbed on the top of the house. He fell down the chimney. He fell into a fire.
Immediately a lot of black feathers fell downall over and nine crows fell down from sky.
I began to fell in love with it, class view, class is looking, progressive abnormal fast.
Dow tried to pull out of the acquisition when its financing for the transaction fell apart.
The lot for the South Gate fell to ObedEdom, and the lot for the storehouse fell to his sons.
The Americans abandoned the Maginot Line and fell back on new positions along the Moder River.
He could not control his hands, and the package fell and the crucial book fell onto the floor.
Futabasha's staffers believe that Usui accidentally fell while taking photographs of the cliff.
I accidentally fell asleep with all my underwear in the washer last night and had gone commando that day.
The words just fell, but he suddenly forbade Luan all over,! This cause that forbids Luan is because of the ache!
We were laid down upon piles of aromatic grass, and instantly fell into the deep sleep which follows absolute prostration of mind and body.
And when the dew fell upon the camp in the night, the manna fell upon it. Dan apabila embun turun di tempat perkemahan pada waktu malam, maka turunlah juga manna di situ.
夜间露水降在营中的时候, 吗哪也随着降下。

单词 fell 释义

  • 单词释义: vbl.fall 的过去式;vt.击倒,打倒(疾病等),致于...死地,砍伐n.一季所伐的木材,兽皮,羊毛;adj.凶猛的,可怕的  [更多..]



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