Among them, in the female periodicals the lack of feminism is one of most important flaws.
It might be because of the return of feminism that make people focus on womens slight waist.
或许是女性主义的回归, 使得纤细的腰部成人们注目的焦点
But his aphorism is about as good a onesentence summary of classical feminism as you can get.
Bao Xiaolan. Evaluation of the Studies of Western Feminism. Beijing SDX Joint Publishing Company.
The thriving of feminism from late last century has greatly overturned many patriarchy standards.
That she has been credited by some authorities as the originator of feminism in the United States.
But with an upward tendency of todays feminism, the patriarchal society will ultimately come to the end.
然而, 在女权主义高涨的今天, 男权最终会走向终结。
Western feminist translation theory is a product of the alliance between feminism and translation studies.
Feminism is the fight you never win once, and even worse, every time youre the one who takes the blame.
A Brief Analysis to the Liberalism Feminism, the Radicalism Feminism and the Marxist Feminism View on Science
The issues relating to religions have a long history, and the consciousness of feminism is growing nowadays all over the world.
在当今世界上, 宗教问题年深日久, 女权意识与日俱增。