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单词 ellipsis 例句大全,用单词ellipsis造句:

Containing or characterized by ellipsis.
包括椭圆的, 或以椭圆为特征的
It is just fine to put the ellipsis at the end of the article.
删节号用在这篇文章的末尾, 恰到好处。
Ellipsis is mainly translated by means of keeping the original, adding. omission, etc.
英汉互译时, 要通过保留, 增删等手段在译文中实现有效转换。
The shape of eggshell pore on the surface layer of crystals is circle or ellipsis or irregular square.

单词 ellipsis 释义

  • 单词释义:n.省略,省略符号  [更多..]



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