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单词 ecuador 例句大全,用单词ecuador造句:

The Czech Republic and Ecuador provided a list of several competent authorities in this respect.
I would have to go to Ecuador to work with a group that does espionage for Fortune 500 companies.
我会去厄瓜多尔工作, 并在世界500强公司从事间谍活动。
Ecuador urges the Organisation of American States to condemn Colombia for violating its territory.
Ecuador explained that its legislation referred not to marking but to specifications of a firearm.
The Working Group will present its report on its visit to Ecuador to the Human Rights Council in2010.
Before the adoption of the draft resolution, the representatives of Mexico and Ecuador made statements.
The Government of Ecuador and the statement read on behalf of the independent expert on minority issues.
The Republic of Ecuador has long been determined to equalize opportunities for its citizens with disabilities.
This paper describes cretaceous petroleum system in Ecuador Oriente Basin. The oil resources are rich in this basin.
Ecuador reaffirms its commitment to multilateralism and to the ideals that inspired the founding of the United Nations.
Tomato, belonging to the family of Solanaceae, is originally grown in the Andes mountain range in Ecuador, South America.
西红柿, 属茄科, 原产南美洲厄瓜多尔安第斯山脉。
The Chinese side is ready to work together with Ecuador push forward the friendly relations and cooperation between the two countries.
我们愿同厄方一道, 共同推进中厄友好合作关系。

单词 ecuador 释义

  • 单词释义:n.厄瓜多尔(南美洲西北海岸的国家)  [更多..]



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