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单词 effort 例句大全,用单词effort造句:

However, just as Rome was not built in a day, no one can achieve anything without effort.
A person's effort is additive effect, while a team's effort is the multiplication effect.
This article has shown that this can be accomplished with rather negligible coding effort.
This is an effort for the subject to achieve a smart office and the mobile network meetings.
The prisoner should make every effort to avoid giving the captor any additional information.
The achievements of an organization are the result of the combined effort of each individual.
一个机构的成就, 其实是个人努力的集体结果。
The party ought to be mixed with right strategy constructive effort, actively gives response.
党应当以正确的策略和建设性的努力, 积极地予以回应。
It had been noted earlier that an effort to legalize abortion had been rejected by Parliament.
In this regard, I appreciate every effort made by the Ad Hoc Working Group and the Secretariat.
I am making an effort an effort not to tear out my deformed kidney and cram it down her throat.
我已经努力了 我强忍着没扯出我那个变形的肾 塞进她嘴里。
They shall also make every effort to achieve a national consensus on the standards they develop.
Students are expected to participate actively and best effort toward every activity in this class.
Opposition leaders have accused the president of backing the reform in an effort to cling to power.
To achieve this prospect, we have done a great deal, making our utmost effort and utmost sincerity.
Every effort should be made to mitigate and adapt to the predicted negative impacts of climate change.
Holds each opportunity, makes every effort to achieve one time the opportunity, a caper, a sublimation.
For simplicity sake, you need not spend effort to ascertain the accounting date of the nonresident person.
为方便起见, 你毋须查明非居港人士的结帐日期。
and its most beaten paths provide the true worker with abundant scope for effort and mom for self-improvement.
Everything must be carefully examined before we act, then twice as much can be accomplished with half the effort.
The achievement of the pun effect needs the associated effort of both the makers and consumers of advertisements.
Even today, much effort is still needed to eliminate the pernicious influence of these absurdities spread the gang.
ObjectiveTo observe clinical effort of acupuncture plus moxibustion and chiropractic therapy on infantile enuresis.
Now none of the drama actors makes as much effort as the previous actors who have received regular professional training.
To take the quality education as the subject and to put forth effort to accomplish three great tasks of popularization, development and improvement
My thoughts was completely destroyed, that my individual progress could be regarded as an advance for all Negroes.The bootstrap effort means selfreliant effort.

单词 effort 释义

  • 单词释义:努力;吃力;有组织的行动;费力的事  [更多..]



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