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单词 efficiently 例句大全,用单词efficiently造句:

Some techniques can help candidates more efficiently, such as the association method, series method.
The content and information above are efficiently truthful with the authorization of the Applicants.
以上信息和内容均真实有效, 并经得参赛作者的同意。
If you want to own and run a business, you need to manage that business effectively and efficiently.
如果想要经营一门生意, 你必须能离效高速地处理问题。
Simulation results show that the missile can be satisfied to realize attitude adjustment efficiently.
however, the aftload blade can restrain secondary flow efficiently and thus depress the cascade loss.
而后部加载叶型能有效抑制二次流, 从而降低叶栅损失
A Perturbation on Tangent Plane Algorithm for Determining Geometric Constraint Singularity Efficiently
Because high clouds absorb energy so efficiently, they have the potential to raise global temperatures.
Rattan says that the cellular insults from exercise prompt the defense system to work more efficiently.
The result shows that this way may be used to measure quenching degree of alloy ductile iron efficiently.
Component and system software is designed for calibration capability to expand the product line efficiently.
Communicate efficiently with supervisor regarding machinery and product quality status throughout the shift.
The cogging torque can be reduced efficiently by suitable selection of the relative angle between dual stators.
In order to manage the proceedings efficiently judges should have the benefit of a complete dossier of evidence.
Using the Mastermind to teleport in Assilimators is a great way to capture husks quickly and highly efficiently.
The requirements to energy adjusting cavities for tuning the proton energy efficiently and continually are studied.
The linear glue spreading machine is used for sticking the polyester films efficiently to prepare composite flakes.
The solution could be easily and efficiently implemented through improvement on the design of locomotive axle box linkage.
Experimental results show that the algorithm can efficiently obtain the reconstructed mesh surface with arbitrary topology.
Article 2 An arbitrator shall impartially, fairly, diligently and efficiently settle the disputes between parties concerned.
第二条仲裁员应当公正, 公平, 勤勉, 高效地为当事人解决争议。
Smooth channels can efficiently prevent oncomelania snail from traveling between the outside and the inside of the channels.
According to the report of medical expert, it can efficiently prevent from cancer for drinking pure and draft beer frequently.
据医学专家报告显示, 常喝纯生啤酒能有效预防癌症的发生。
The electromagnetic induction heating device can overcome disfigurement of deposition contamination and easy adjust efficiently.
The utility model has an advantage that the seeds and grains with grass separated by the arc mesh screen can be recycled efficiently.
The present paralysis in Washington offers little hope that the United States will deal with its budgetary problems swiftly or efficiently.
Impervious channels can efficiently lower the underground water level in the surrounding zones and control the breeding of oncomelania snail.
不留渗漏隙缝, 可以有效降低周边地下水位, 抑制钉螺繁衍。

单词 efficiently 释义

  • 单词释义:效率高地;有效地  [更多..]



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