The wavelet transform could eliminate interfere signal, so that the wriggles could be acquired.
GAS can eliminate acute inflammation, and has astringency and extrasomatic antibiotic function.
本品有抗急性炎症, 收敛及体外抑菌作用。
Dont get stuck on trying to eliminate anxiety, confusion and selfdoubt before you move forward.
The proper way to eliminate smallpox is to wash with soap, water and at least one armless hand.
天花的正确治疗法是肥皂, 自来水, 与至少一只无臂手。
Eliminate varicose veins with applications of lemon oil mixed with almond, avocado or jojoba oil
将柠檬油和杏仁, 鳄梨和荷荷芭油混合来缓解筋脉曲张
According to Reuters, this country is carrying out activities to eliminate the stubborn ruffians.
In order to achieve stability and unity, we must eliminate factionalism and enhance Party spirit.
要安定团结, 就必须消除派性, 增强党性。
Advance supervision was reported to efficiently eliminate violence towards women migrant workers.
If eliminate to be pregnant, the likelihood is amenorrhoea! It is OK to hit corpus luteum ketone!
These flavors help eliminate that fishy aftertaste and the potential for bad breath from fish oils.
And in putting package of one pouch salt in almirah, but a variety of block up when eliminate love.
to stimulate the secretion of gastric juice to help digestion, increase appetite, eliminate bad breath.
以促进胃液分泌, 帮助消化, 增进食欲, 消除口臭。
This kind of embroidery thread absolutely eliminate the bodily injury may caused by chemical substances.
We have adopted these tactics in order to eliminate obstacles so that we can make great strides forward.
The technique can eliminate the need to cut through abdominal muscles, a major source of pain after surgery.
这种手术无需切断腹肌, 消除了术后疼痛的来源。
Two red cards for violent or abusive conduct will automatically eliminate a player from remainder of tournament.
Even today, much effort is still needed to eliminate the pernicious influence of these absurdities spread the gang.
Open mode fund is nonexistent eliminate advantageous position, enclosed fund should eliminate advantageous position.
At the time, the used datum are differentiated and analysed carefully, try to eliminate the false and retain the true.
First one annual produce just 5998 yuan, eliminate cost, of place remnant return inadequacy to pay sericiculture rent.
Longterm atropine treatment of school myopia can eliminate accommodation tonus, prevent or retard the progress of myopia.
长期阿托品治疗能消除调节张力, 中止或减慢近视的进行。
Long-term atropine treatment of school myopia can eliminate accommodation tonus and prevent or retard the progress of myopia.
Qin bathing, changing clothes diligence, can effectively eliminate the accumulation of electrostatic surface of the body.
Exploring and Analysing the Psychological Barricade and Method of Eliminate about Learning the Gymnastics on Apparatus of New Learner
The results indicate that the addition of a nucleating agent and a thickening agent can inhibit supercooling and eliminate segregation.