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单词 embedded 例句大全,用单词embedded造句:

The kernels of embedded system are microprocessor unit and embedded realtime operating system.
Design of Intelligent Access Control System of the Embedded Multifunctional Security Controller
Research on data collection of production area of agricultural product based on embedded system
Birdbath, kitchen is provided, the make it of home appliance Yi Ke inside the kitchen is embedded.
Some computers are even small enough to be embedded in clothing or worn as a watch or other accessory.
By adopting the structure, during storage, the telescopic lamp bracket pole is embedded in the groove.
The study of extraction and location of embedded supernumerary teeth in maxillary anterior in children
A visual representation of an embedded object which displays an icon representing the embedded object.
The embedded anchor bolts for equipment foundation shall be installed and fixed with positioning forms.
An insulating baffle and a flip embedded cover frame are mounted on the surface for facilitating cooking.
表面设隔热挡板以及翻盖嵌入式锅盖架, 方便烹饪。
The Use of Plugging with Inner Protected Barrel in Handling Embedded Pipe and Broken Pile under Deep Water
Design and Realization of Radar Amplitude phase Characteristics Measuring Instrument Based on Embedded System
Wrapping is embedded after pausing local have acuteness ache, glans ministry is red, wrapping occurrence oedema.
包皮嵌顿后局部有剧烈疼痛, 阴茎头部红肿, 包皮出现水肿。
The Contractor will supply the pad iron, anchor plate, embedded parts inside the pedestal of turbine generator unit.
The invention relates to a digital soft switch inverter arc welding machine which is controlled by an embedded system.
Embedded clause in a complete sentence , the incorporated, or subordinate clause is normally called an embedded clause.
从属子句在一个复合句中, 处于从属地位的子句。
The problem of estimating the parameter of a linear frequency modulated signal embedded in additive noise is considered.
Fuqiang Tian Numerical Analysis on the Uplift Capacity of an Anchor Embedded in a Concrete Column Confined by Steel Pipe
Embedded type is divided automatically quiver pacemaker cries again buried automatic answer law is divided quiver implement.
Embedded oprating system is the croe of the embedded application,and the kern is the most important part of the opratingsystem.
Pathological changes of human hair artificial tendon used as substitute for the achilles tendon and embedded in the muscle in rabbits
The utility model provides a meat embedded egg that consists of a boiled liquid egg and mince mixed with spice and embedded in the egg.
Commuters in Hong Kong can now purchase watches that are embedded with a microchip that allows access to the underground with a simple swipe of the wrist.
Such devices, together with Internet-enabled sensors embedded in clothing, will avoid a hospital stay for medical patients who simply require observation.
My knowledge, skills and memories are embedded in a vast pattern of neurotransmitter concentrations and interneuronal connections and can not be quickly accessed or transmitted.

单词 embedded 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.植入的,深入的,内含的  [更多..]



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