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单词 eat 例句大全,用单词eat造句:

It keeps doctor away that eat turnip in winter and eat ginger in summer.
冬吃萝卜夏吃姜, 不用医生开药方。
Third, eat. Eat more fruits and vegetables beauty ah, loofah Kiwi apples.
My family ate rice today, I do not want to eat rice, eat instant noodles.
Yesterday, leave more to eat, stomach pain, unable to eat anything today.
昨天吃多了点, 肚子痛, 今天吃不下饭。
Eat the placenta to eat to people on earth, how to think about the placenta?
吃胎盘到底是不是吃人, 如何看待胎盘?
The whole family love to eat pears, which look good and are delicious to eat.
Little eat sweetmeat and glue sex of very strong food, dont eat between meals.
Make them eat the one eye while watching themselves eat it with the other eye!
the beautiful and eat moon cake and apple we eat the moon cakes, see firework. I.
Men can not always eat flour and rice, it is good for health to eat some cereals.
She always let you eat it with her to eat it, completely ignoring how bad your appetite.
她总是让你陪她吃这吃那, 全然不顾你的胃口有多糟。
My like to eat an apple and sweet mother tangerine, my father likes to eat chafing dish.
我的妈妈喜欢吃苹果和甜橘, 我的爸爸喜欢吃火锅。
It's bad for the bowels if you often eat rice cooked with meat and vegetables, so eat less!
What fruit does the person appropriate of gastrorrhagia eat ?Unfavorable what fruit to eat ?
What fruit does the person appropriate of gastrorrhagia eat ? Unfavorable what fruit to eat ?
She every half hour forced me to eat a bowl of dumpling, I repeated eat, repeatedly to vomit.
她每半小时逼我吃一碗饺子, 我反复吃, 反复吐。
Patients with psoriasis should eat hot foods to eat breakfast in order to protect stomach qi.
Remember, little to eat it, otherwise will also very hurt stomach, hollow when also can't eat.
记住, 少少地吃点就行, 要不然也会很伤胃, 空腹时也不能吃。
eat, before, after, supper, you, lunch, or, doDo you eat after lunch or before supper
'If you 're overweight it's not that you eat too much but that you don't eat well, ' Montignac says.
Should eat the vegetables fruit bean product mushroom class, meats food did not have to eat too many.
应多吃蔬菜水果豆制品菇类, 肉类食物就不要吃太多了。
Jim. It is a combination of how much you eat, the type of food you eat, and when you eat your meals.
Those in the South do not eat strange things, you have to ask Tianjin Bullfrog eat, and you certainly anxious.
南方那些奇怪的东西不吃, 你要请天津人吃牛蛙, 肯定和你急。
I eat at midday of ugg boots object Be so complicated to eat, Moncler Manteau Femme, root be steer be contaminated!
中午我吃的东西那么难吃, 根本就是被被污染过的!
And they shall eat the flesh in that night, roast with fire, and unleavened bread; and with bitter herbs they shall eat it.

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