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单词 eden 例句大全,用单词eden造句:

Deity create ain's eden, on the inside gestate have pinion's angels.
This is the Eden I made out for you, Youd blow it out breaking rules
这是我为你的伊甸园, 你吹它打破规则
THE BANALITY OF EDEN Eve got bored in the Garden of Eden. She was n.
Aspatria is a developed country with a coastline along the Eden Ocean.
The man was placed in the Garden of Eden to cultivate it and guard it.
He could be used as a make weight in a potential deal for Eden Hazard.
The Disillusion of American Dream in the Death of Eden, Gatsby and Loman.
As Martin Eden went down the steps, his hand dropped into his coat pocket.
They got married soon and lived happily in their Garden of Eden even after.
In fact, some people say that the Garden of Eden in the Bible was in Bahrain.
Arthur was leaving the room, and Martin Eden followed his exit with longing eyes.
此时亚瑟又离开了屋子, 马
Besides, our family still has go lunar eyebrow explores Eden, over there very big!
Female companions await those who enter the Gardens of Eden on the Day of Reckoning.
Does the issue bear in any way upon the knowledge forbidden Adam in the Garden of Eden
To the 14th century, Christmas trees tower and the Garden of Eden into a Christmas tree.
The biblical tree in the Garden of Eden whose forbidden fruit was tasted by Adam and Eve.
在圣经中描写的伊甸园中的树, 其禁果被亚当和夏娃偷吃。
If everybody delicate a little of his love to others, the world will be a delightful Eden.
只要人人都献出一点爱, 这世界将会变成美好的人间。
The living creature in the Garden of Eden is the plant which comes from a worldwide locations.
伊甸园里的生物, 就是来自世界各地的植物。
Adam and Eve committed the original sin when they ate the forbidden fruit in the garden of eden.
Adam and Even committed the original sin when they ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden.
Adam and Even committed the original sin when they ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden.
The trees in the Garden of Eden were, according to these legends, adorned with apples and cookies.
A river flows out of Eden to water the garden, and from there it divides and becomes four branches.
So the LORD God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken.
Superbly crisp with the typical steely mineral backbone of an Eden Valley Riesling from an excellent vintage.

单词 eden 释义

  • 单词释义:n.[圣经]伊甸园,乐园  [更多..]



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