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单词 earthy 例句大全,用单词earthy造句:

Patchouli is a lovely earthy scent that many like to wear as perfume.
Colour This blend shows the vibrant colour of earthy reds and purples.
The Nonexistent Knight is an earthy parody of chivalry and knighthood.
You may be stinking rich, but even a clay figure has earthy qualities.
你有你的臭钱, 我泥人也有个土性儿。
Suitable density for cultivating Penaeus vannamei Boone in earthy pond
The meal arrives, the food sparsely presented on earthy yellow plates.
His head was large and ugly; he had pale scanty hair and an earthy skin.
Bouquet Apple scents add an odd, earthy note, a bit like ripe cheese.
Ripe, concentrated plum on the nose, with earthy nuances and notes of violet.
香味成熟浓郁的莓果香, 和淡淡的泥土, 紫罗兰的香气。
The first man is of the earth, earthy the second man is the Lord from heaven.
There is a slight earthy character, which adds to the complexity of this wine.
There was something vital and earthy and coarse about him that appealed to her.
The earthy tuckahoe of Chinese traditional medicine takes Bao soup to drink, OK
中药的土茯苓拿来煲汤喝, 可以吗?
Do I have the rhinitis of sensitivity to the earthy formula with good what have?
Warm, earthy scents suit you, as do dark, rich colors like plum, burgundy and red.
Beihuaaodinali is earthy for arenaceous qualitative, produce relatively second wine.
贝华奥第纳里土质为砂质, 产较次的酒。
Cor. 15 45 The first man is out of the earth, earthy the second man is out of heaven.
The texture of foie gras is very similar to that of butter with a very earthy flavour.
Treat the earthy way of toothache, want the specified number that speed gets effective
治疗牙痛的土办法, 要速度见效的额。
These words were scripted as words I repeated several times during my earthy incarnation.
在我地球化身之旅中, 这些话曾作为我反复重复的话语。
And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.
Earthy taste. Special taste resulting from the type of soil on which the grapes were grown.
Red earthy variety is known as the red ocher while the metallic one is known as specularite.
红泥土品种被称为红赭石, 而金属一个被称为镜。
And even as we have borne the image of the earthy, we will also bear the image of the heavenly.
The Black truffle has seafood, scallop and earthy, mushroom characters and flavours, offers Joe.
黑色黑松露有海鲜, 干贝和泥土蘑菇的特色和味道。

单词 earthy 释义

  • 单词释义:泥土的;土质的;朴实的;粗俗的  [更多..]



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