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单词 elasticity 例句大全,用单词elasticity造句:

The relations between accelerate index, decelerate index and elasticity were in the next place.
Meat texture is very elasticity. Products are in arc shape, they are welcomed by many customers.
肉质得弹性强, 产品呈圆弧状, 最受客户得欢迎。
Bones exhibit a degree of elasticity that enables the skeleton to withstand considerable impact.
The horses strides are shorter than at the other canters, without losing elasticity and cadence.
A major advantage of cloud computing is the elasticity it provides to the testing infrastructure.
The horse's strides are shorter than in the other canters, without losing elasticity and cadence.
Treatment with extra high temperature steam is beneficial to the elasticity and loftiness of floss silk.
Storage Quantity Control Model of Interval Stock with Goods in Whole Batch and Stochastic Partial Elasticity
The tensile modulus approximately equal to the compressive modulus of elasticity within the proportional limit.
The bedding mortar made through the grouting method has the advantages of high strength and excellent elasticity.
It is adopted solid wood with high quality , its elasticity and resonance guarantee the music out of the ordinary.
精选优质实木, 其弹性与共振性保障了音乐的不同凡响。
Analyzing effects of suspension bushing elasticity on vehicle yaw response character with virtual prototype method
The transversal stress is obviously influenced by varying the axial modulus of elasticity of the coating material.
涂层的弹性模量不同, 对材料的横向应力影响最大。
D Analysis of Thermal Curling Stresses on Cement Concrete Airport Pavement Considering Visco elasticity of Material
Random Storage Quantity Control in the Presence of Continuous Stock With Goods in Batches and Stochastic Elasticity
The cartilage matrix enables the cartilage to have certain shape and elasticity to wo rk against the outside force.
The given solution satisfies all fundamental equations of elasticity and continuity conditions between the laminates.
In economics, elasticity is the ratio of the percent change in one variable to the percent change in another variable.
在经济学上, 弹性是两个变量变化率的百分比。
Study on the Effects of Artery Elasticity of Spontaneous Hypertension Rats with the Treatment of Tonifying the Kidney Qi
An adjusting chamber is formed between the accessory heel and a sole and has the advantages of elasticity and ventilation.
The invention relates to a making method of adjusting the elasticity coefficient of the hitting surface of a golf rod head.
The former is engaged in mainly producing terylene, cottondacon textile, viscidity dacron, cation and elasticity materials.
The Incremental Functional in Nonlinear Elasticity and Dynamic Analysis Theory for Cable Structure of Finite Elastic Deformation
Oxidize collagen fiber and cause lost of skin elasticity and wrinkles Cause aging of fibroblast cells thus delaying collagen production.
Effect of Combinated Antihypertensive and Cholesterol Lowering treatment on the Arterial Elasticity in Patients with Essential Hypertension

单词 elasticity 释义

  • 单词释义:弹性;弹力;灵活性;伸缩性  [更多..]



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