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单词 effect 例句大全,用单词effect造句:

The drug had an immediate effect on the pain. The governments action had no effect on the trade imbalance.
Guangbo Cao, workers between the operation of the exercise effect the effect of aerobics is far from great.
广播操, 工间操的锻炼效果远没有有氧操的效果大。
Effect of phosphate Fertilizer on Capsicum Yield Increase and the Negative Effect of its Excess Application.
Because other complex preparation make reaction of side effect, we use complex effect coefficient to express.
由于其他络合剂引起得副反应, 用络合效应系数来表示。
Besides its thermic effect, local thermotherapy can also induce the antitumor immunological effect of the body.
Whisker made bod effect of stree induced transformation toughening but good effect of crack deflecting toughening.
晶须的加入对相变增韧不利, 而对裂纹弯曲增韧有利。
The effect of terraced fields is notable and the effect of growing grasses on the walls of terrace is much better.
Effect of Different Fertilizer Method on Slow Release Carbamide Fertilizer Effect and Nitrogen Utilized Coefficient
Natural resources have an important effect on the agriculture development, sometimes it even has a decisive effect.
Observation on Curative Effect of Vascular Dementia Treated by Acupuncture Combined with Drugs and its Effect on ANP
Athermal Effect Any effect of electromagnetic energy absorption not associated with a measurable rise in temperature.
It is gentle in nature with high smooth and moisturizing effect and has no effect on normal secretion of sweat gland.
本品性质纯和, 更具高度平滑滋润效果, 不影响汗腺正常分泌。
Enhancing Effect of Chinese Herbal Medicine Active Components on Suicide Gene Bystander Effect and the Mechanism Study.
Using the traditional chinese medica to treat gastric diseases, the curative effect is good and the side effect is small.
中药治胃病, 疗效好, 副作用小。
Variable B has a direct effect on variable D, an indirect effect on variable C, and no causal effect at all on variable A.
Effect of Contract Rescission Retroactive Effect Liquidation Relationship Liability in Restitution Compensation for Damages
With the indirect method, this study probed into the implicit inferences'effect and the effect of stereotypes respectively.
Conclusions The effect of lett hemispheric cerebral hemorrhage on heart function are different from the effect of right one.
thirdly, the negative effect of population outflow on education exceeds the positive effect of population inflow on education.
in which the sum of the unsteady effect and the convective effect gives the rate of change of a parameter for a fluid particle.
The major genetic effect is the dominant on fiber elongation. the dominance effect is rather important for the most characters.
The increasing Rotation number weakens curvature effect on convex surfaces, while strengthens curvature effect on concave surfaces.
Effect of Different Seed Coating Agents on Cotton Seed Germination and their Effect on Disease and Insect Pest during Seedling Stage
Anticoagulative Effect and Antiplatelet Aggregation Effect of Combination of Hirudo and Tabanus on Rat Model of Blood Stasis Syndrome
Whenever an electric current flows in a circuit,it produces a heating effect,a magnetic effect,and in some cases a chemical effect,too.

单词 effect 释义

  • 单词释义:影响;效果;所有物;特效  [更多..]



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