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单词 dream 例句大全,用单词dream造句:

This is we common dream! Pour into so but the dream drawn up! I love you!
Seed dream is to blossom and bear fruit, the eagles dream is ready to fly.
种子的梦想是开花结果, 雄鹰的梦想是展翅飞翔。
Why we dream continues to elude us.Scientists have proven we need to dream.
人为什么要做梦, 一直困扰着大家。
Eating nonvegan dream food would be like eating dream sawdust or dream bugs.
My dream, it is very young, but it beautified my mind, therefore is my dream.
我的梦想, 它很小, 但它美化了我的心灵, 所以是我的梦想。
Only hope that the dream is far away and the winding the same beautiful dream.
These days were like a dream to me, an extremely fantastic and romantic dream.
I still have a dream, It is a dream deeply rooted in the your beautiful dream!
我依然怀有一个梦, 这梦深深植根于您的美丽的梦里!
Each of us had a dream the same night, and each dream had a meaning of its own.
我们二人同夜各做一梦, 各梦都有讲解。
Each people all have own dream, the dream is the driving force of our struggle.
The third one is dream omen, which is coincidental with the earlier dream world.
三是梦兆, 即与事实巧合的早期梦境。
He sits up, records his dream, and goes back to sleep, perhaps to dream some more.
It seems to be sort of a primal dream but the dream about being chased is a biggie.
这似乎是一个很原始得梦, 但被追得梦是一个很大得课题。
I will learn to dream with my dream of performing one step at a time to come to the.
Gatsby lives in the time of the American dream and is influenced deeply by the dream.
Wake up, the dream smile helpless is empty. Sleepy, but was unable to find the dream.
Innovation and transformation from dream to dream for the root, by the dream of water.
I had a very interesting dream last night. I dream of myself turned out to be an alien.
I have a dream, this dream deeply is radicate in the aureole of the human nature under.
Some people said the life is an ostentatious gorgeous dream, but, the dream is can awake.
Between the aspiration and the dream, he was dutybound not to turn back to choose the dream.
在热望和梦之间, 他是责任跳跃不要再折回选择梦。
The dream gives him heroic declaration, the dream also guides a bright big way of his alignment.
God of the dreamer and the dream only in the event after the crossWu Shi constitute a dream world.
Immersed in this melody to just like oneself has a dream, the dream has awaked, all became spatially.
Encourage everyone to have your dream and than your career.taanslate into english is those who have aspired can achieve dream, and who begin an undertasking will change his life.
立志成就梦想, 创业改变人生。

单词 dream 释义

  • 单词释义:梦(想);理想;美好的事;胡思乱想  [更多..]



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