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单词 draw 例句大全,用单词draw造句:

Are you sure you want to offer a draw? The draw will be offered after your move.
Everyone will draw what he needs from the abundant social reserve of commodities.
In order to extract experience and draw a, ancient people draw trees on the fire.
古人为记录这种现象, 刻画出将两棵树放在火上的图形。
She has many accomplishments, being able to sing, play the piano, draw, and so on.
她多才多艺, 能唱, 弹钢琴, 画等等。
Surely the best course of action will be to draw up an agreement with your lawyer.
One day in a drawing class, the teacher told the class to draw an abstract drawing.
一天美术课上, 老师要同学们画一幅抽象画。
DrawDraw three hills. Draw Draw some happy children. OK finish you can colour them.
让学生拿出准备好的白纸和颜色笔, 听老师的指令进行作画。
Low price for the draw and looking at the stats in this division that enjoys a draw.
虽然和的赔率较低, 但这场球和局是上选。
Linda draw her little sister a nice cat. Linda draw a nice cat for her little sister.
Please bring your admission ticket and business name card for entrance and lucky draw.
The administration will draw up an official agreement that will be signed in a few weeks.
And finally, something which lets you easily input data and draw accurately on the screen.
Network game is remained draw the power that uses growth of Tecent outstanding achievement.
Winners may be picked at random or names may go into a draw and a winner picked accordingly.
The Committee reserves the right to vary the draw and starting times at its absolute discretion.
This impaired their ability to take stock of their achievements and draw lessons for the future.
If I started to draw the emergence of a twogame hole will enter only the additional competition.
For example, when adding a class to a diagram, it can draw all these relationships automatically.
The low draw notes, especially on lower key models, require an adequate space in which to resonate.
低音空吸气音, 需要足够的共鸣腔来发音。
They liked to draw the Little Mermaid, they'd like to draw a smurf, they'd like to draw Micky Mouse.
When you talk about abstract things, people can understand you better if you draw concrete analogies.
Cleansing empress, take just the right amount of article, be draw in a department to the complete absorption lightly.
用法洁肤后, 取适量本品, 轻轻涂于脸部至完全吸收。
Different civilizations and social systems should draw upon and benefit from each other to achieve common development.
Sooner or later after clean face, take to be draw in the face just the right amount, massage to the complete absorption lightly.
To draw the various strands together, the Ministry of Education sought to provide a holistic picture of the outcomes we hope to achieve.

单词 draw 释义

  • 单词释义:画;移动;拉,拖;拔出;吸,抽;支取(钱);推断出;作比较;引起;吐露;打成平手  [更多..]



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