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单词 drilling 例句大全,用单词drilling造句:

Chip removal is a factor which influences efficiency and quality of drilling in the drilling operation.
Two floormen, located at the new drilling line spool, are to reeve off the drilling line without delay.
After the infill drilling adjustment, the production has been increased and water cut has been declined.
加密调整后油田产油量增加, 含水下降。
Drilling Fluid Technology for Gumbo Shale Drilling A Case History in the Third Section of Well Shengke1.
Multiple spindles heads for drilling machine whose drill spindles are adjustable and even are introduced.
Analysis on Drilling Pipe Breaking in Drilling the Deviated Interval of a Horizontal Gas Well in Changqing
The Determination of Additional Quota of Making and Installing Inspection Tube of Drilling Hole Pour Stake.
Field practices of gas drilling in Chuanyu Changqing, Tuha, and Liaohe oilfields acquired very good results.
Combined the structure advantage of drilling and milling machine machine can be millingdrillingand grinding.
Comperative tests are done about factors affecting drilling effects, and that are also expounded and proved.
Technical factors affecting deep drilling speed in carbonate reservoirs of east Sichuan and treatment strategy
13.12 Let the Drilling Supervisor sign the Drilling Fluids Service Sheet, and take it back to the Base Manager.
Comparative Analysis of Electric Drive top drive drilling system and hydraulic driven top drive drilling system.
Ambient pressure has smaller impact in the negative pulse jet assisted drilling compared to conventional drilling.
Study and application of the temperature tolerant and salt resistant polymer drilling fluid for horizontal drilling
During cementing operations, the major issue to be addressed is the displacement of drilling fluid by cement slurry.
Research on the solving method for the entirety loosening of drilling chuck of peripheral vibration drilling machine
Sand pile drilling test adopted mod counterfort to prevent burying the drilling tool by the borehole from collapsing.
Continental Scientific Drilling Written Down Great Articles, Ocean Scientific Drilling Should Exert to Catch Up with It
Test conditions for turret and single spindle coordinate drilling machines with vertical spindle. Testing of the accuracy.
Study on New Drilling Force Model of Vibration Drilling and Vibration Drilling with Invariable Parameter and Variable Parameter.
If the ground stress is large, the drilling cutting quantity added significantly, and the possible of outburst happened is added.
应力大, 钻屑量明显增加, 发生突出可能性增加。
In China, the screw drilling and the normal pressure compressed air drilling were conducted for trial and the results were not so good.
国内进行了螺旋钻进和常风压空气钻进的尝试, 但效果一般。
People usually use parallelogram lifting device for engineering drilling machine to guarantee stability and correct direction of drilling rig during operation.
A nail has two advantages: the strong power in pressing and drilling. We should advocate the spirit of a nail in our study to be good at going deeper into knowledge.

单词 drilling 释义



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