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单词 dou 例句大全,用单词dou造句:

That piece from the book is a quote from the famous play of Guan Hanqing, named"Dou E's Injustice".
Dou Wu, being the relatives of Emperor Ling on the side of his wife, became the backer of the political power.
The socalled south Dou notes to alive, the Big Dipper notes die, Dou night and Ji linger overnight contact very airtight.
The exclusive right of the Empress Dowager Dou he was very angry, and determined to get rid of this curse for the country.
Because of the establishment of Hong Dou Door subject of study, the contents and standard of examination replaced Confucianism.
由于鸿都门学的设立, 考试内容以尺牍代替了经学。

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