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单词 doorcase 例句大全,用单词doorcase造句:

White of wall be of use, and doorcase and window frame use as same as metope color.
墙顶用白色, 而门框及窗框采用与墙面相同的色彩。
Dawdle often grows in toilet, agaric still grows occasionally on doorcase, how to do
卫生间里老是长蘑菇, 门框上有时候还长木耳, 怎么办啊
Beat doorcase to should be knocked gently with model hammer, must not be knocked with hammer.
敲打门框要用塑锤轻轻地敲, 切不可用铁锤去敲。
The door covers the effect that having adornment door and doorcase, can decorate photograph echo with wall.
Still have doorcase of8 kinds of guard against theft and ward, bolt gap is too big, be levered extremely easily.
The door and window are the factory has been done, double deck glass is sealed, give you together even doorcase window frame.
门和窗都是工厂做好, 双层玻璃密封, 连门框窗框一起给你的。
Doorcase is very low, see bake or dry by the heat of a fire into the door, in house not black, but so narrow that do not have the leeway that answers a body.

单词 doorcase 释义

  • 单词释义:n.(=doorframe) 门框  [更多..]



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