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单词 dwelling 例句大全,用单词dwelling造句:

Scarlett looked up at the lovely old dwelling facing on the square and could have cried.
思嘉抬头注视着这所可爱的面对广场的老住宅, 几乎要哭了。
The afterlife planes, as represented by the planets, are old dwelling places of the soul.
The dwelling space being extremely limited, she had to adapt herself to cramped conditions.
居住的地方变得极度地狭窄, 她不得不适应狭促的条件。
People carry the holy fire and processional banners to the Teacher in the dwelling of dawn.
The monthly instalments of the loan on acquisition of the dwelling are paid by the children.
Artemia cyst is the diapause egg of the artmeia hopper, dwelling in the saltwater reservoirs.
阿特梅尔孢囊是阿特梅尔蚤的休眠卵, 栖息于咸水水库。
In those days, that cave dwelling served as a study, a clinic and conference room all in one.
The person eligible to claim home loan interest deduction is the legal owner of the dwelling.
Building characteristics and modern environmental design of cave dwelling in the north of China
Ask if there's still some subtle stress in the concentration that has become your dwelling place.
Energy consuming in dwelling building occupies quite a few proportion in total energy consumption.
Luo familys compound, the dwelling place of one of the largest local clan, was now in great sorrow.
The actual state and reinforced measures of earthquake resistance capacity for rural dwelling houses
The roof of the cave dwelling is damaged, we should mend it soon so that it won't affect production.
create possibilities for humans poetic dwelling by breaking through accustomed ideological boundaries.
摆脱惯性意识形态的束缚, 为人类诗意的栖居创造可能。
Seeing through Marginal Benefit of the Monetization of Distributing Dwelling Houses in Guizhou Province.
This paper discusses the confucianism and taoism culture in ancient civilian dwelling houses in Yongzhou.
The curse of Jehovah is in the house of the wicked man, But He blesses the dwelling place of the righteous.
The rats living in dwelling houses were researched in placed trappes method in countryside residents, houses.
Our company is ready to decorate your dwelling house so that it will appear to Be a warm and comfortaBle world.
The Roof Style of Ming and Qing Official Architecture Influenced by the Ancient Dwelling Houses in Liaodong Town
They have cast fire into thy sanctuary, they have defiled by casting down the dwelling place of thy name to the ground.
The microclimate characteristic with high humidity, low temperature and inadequate sunshine was unsuitable for dwelling.
Design of Water Supply and Fire Water Supply System for Underground Gallery Garage and Highrise Dwelling Building Cluster
A Comment on the Function of the Forest Element in the Environmental System of the Traditional Dwelling of Hani Nationality

单词 dwelling 释义

  • 单词释义:住处,处所;寓所;居住  [更多..]



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