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单词 dumpling 例句大全,用单词dumpling造句:

Meng likes eating the bean sprouts stuffing dumpling, today I wanna satisfied her appetite.
The invention relates to a garlic rice dumpling, which comprises glutinous rice and garlic.
On its rituals side, studies mainly focus on the dragon boat race and eating rice dumpling.
在端午仪式行为方面, 侧重于对龙舟竞渡, 食粽习俗的探析。
Mo said he began to nurse a dream of becoming a writer, with three dumpling meals every day.
莫言说, 他开始萌生了成为一名作家的梦想, 一日三餐吃饺子。
May 5 after a year to commemorate the dragon boat 6, the Dragon Boat Festival food dumpling.
之后每年五月五日划龙舟以纪念之6, 端午食粽。
She every half hour forced me to eat a bowl of dumpling, I repeated eat, repeatedly to vomit.
她每半小时逼我吃一碗饺子, 我反复吃, 反复吐。
Wenzhou people eat dumpling as auspicious as there has always been gnocchi hospitality customs.
But I could not figure out how to get her to eat it, for she could easily identify the dumpling.
The utility model can automatically fill stuffing in egg dumpling wrappers at a definite quantity.
Study on process technology of pork sausage with glutinous rice dumpling and fresh bamboo leaf juice
This newlybuilt restaurant service veritable Chinese food! The dumpling they made is very delicious!
This paper introduces main structure , operate principle of a newtype boiled dumpling making machine.
The main dish was a dumpling dish which had crab meet inside with soup also encased within the dough.
主食是蟹粉小笼, 里面有蟹肉, 还裹着汤。
Recommended dishes include Hakka style brewed bean curd, steamed egg with shrimp, and shrimp dumpling.
推荐客家酿豆腐, 鲜虾芙蓉蒸蛋, 虾饺等。
My breakfast eats the milk and the bread, the lunch has the rice, the supper eats the stuffed dumpling.
我早餐吃牛奶和面包, 午餐吃米饭, 晚餐吃饺子。
I had thought it would make Mother happy and give her a lovely surprise if she ate the goodluck dumpling.
我想应该让母亲吃, 让她高兴高兴。
Friend of some foreign country goes dumpling of eating house draft, beautiful girl comes round to enquire.
Remove the outer packaging, cook the dumpling in steam or microwave oven. It tastes nicer if eaten when hot.
除去外包装装水锅蒸, 微波皆可趁热食用风味更佳。
Wood point the angel like of water cook fish and pull out silk banana, there is also Chinese chives dumpling.
Is all right, I also have the bulk lots stuffed dumpling, your piece of garlic calculates anything, is staying.
In Northern Italy, people use prosciutto as dumpling fillings, and in Central Italy it's boiled with vegetables.
The blending flour of corn flour and extruded corn flour are fitted to prepare dumpling and pucker feel is better.
Dumpling growing in number of name , Illustrate that the district that such circulates is living continuously to broaden.
puts the stuffed dumpling stuffing like in the thin slice, and pinches the edge spot with the hand, causes the thin slice agglutination.
将饺子馅放如薄片中, 并用手捏边缘部位, 使薄片粘合。
Hereafter the dumpling gradually, forming convention , not having at every festival and at New Year is that the hundred million is not good.
以后渐渐形成习俗, 逢年过节没有饺子吃是万万不行的。

单词 dumpling 释义

  • 单词释义:饺子;汤团;水果布丁;矮胖的人  [更多..]



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