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单词 donkey 例句大全,用单词donkey造句:

Alkaline lipase was applied in the donkey and colt skin production process.
The donkey often played games with the dog and they lived together amicably.
A Small Boy and a DonkeyA small boy leading a donkey passed by an Army camp.
Shrek and Donkey, two stalwart friends, off on a whirlwind bigcity adventure.
Does a wild donkey bray when it has grass, or an ox bellow when it has fodder
野驴有草岂能叫唤, 牛有料, 岂能吼叫。
Theres no mention in either version that Mary rode into Bethlehem on a donkey.
This can make the donkey angered, it lifted to a tiger, fiercely hoof to play. 4.
这可把驴子激怒了, 它抬起后蹄, 猛地向老虎踢去。
German donkey is making an ass out of herself after falling in love with a gander.
德国一头母驴与一头公鹅坠入爱河, 模样实在滑稽。
The donkey became extremely angry and tried hard to kick the tiger but fruitlessly.
Balaam got up in the morning, saddled his donkey and went with the princes of Moab.
He found farmer gibirel, the donkey's master, and told him to pull the donkey away.
This is a donkey that Alice would not have been surprised to encounter in Wonderland.
Like a wild donkey accustomed to the wilderness, panting after the wind in her desire.
你像野母驴惯在旷野, 欲心发动就吸风喘气。
This claim has aroused a lot of people jump on the donkey's body to force the protest.
Molecular Biology Techniques for Identification of Horse and Donkey Materials in Feedstuff
On the bank of the Nile River, the donkey halted, and the princess rushed up to the prince.
By and by, the tiger got used to the donkey's bray and began to get nearer and nearer to it.
The farm staff are considering the purchase of another adult donkey to help with farm security.
Jiaolv live is different, do not have to kill a donkey, donkey who live directly from the meat out.
The donkey ate coarse grass, did all the hard work and often had to endure the hitting and scolding from them.
When Abigail saw David, she quickly got off her donkey and bowed down before David with her face to the ground.
Later donkey carts and carriages became scarce, while mule carts were increasingly becoming common traffic tools.
后来驴车, 马车日渐稀少, 而骡车则日渐普遍了。
Infectious Molecular Clone Derived from Equine Infectious Anemia Virus Chinese Donkey Leukocyte Attenuated Strain.
Suddenly, the donkey uttered a shrill cry. The tiger trembled with fear, thinking that the donkey was going to kill it.
Then I remembered his three wives, his shabby appearance, his lame donkey and its dilapidated saddle, his djellaba with the torn sleeves.

单词 donkey 释义

  • 单词释义:驴,毛驴;笨蛋,傻瓜;(美国)民主党的象征  [更多..]



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