Oxidants are commonly used in dough conditioning formulations in bread baking system.
Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface. Divide dough into two equal parts.
Various features of dough, especially the rheologic features of dough were expounded.
Add the almonds and mix. Pour the whole mixture on the dough and spread out uniformly.
加入果仁完全混合, 然后均匀分摊在抹了果酱的面团上。
Studies on the Use of California Almond Flour in Dough and Moon Cake of Guangdong Style
Well now if I take that sugar dough, the sugar dough doesn't want to conduct electricity.
Brush the plain dough with egg white and place over the chocolate dough, and then roll up.
将纯味面团薄薄扫上蛋清, 铺于巧克力味面团上再卷起来。
The flour would taste better if we added a little white sugar during the dough-making process.
There is a lump of leavening dough in the refrigerator. Take it out and add fresh dough to it.
冰箱里有块老面, 拿出来和上新面吧。
Combine all the ingredients for the dough and mix until dough forms. Knead dough until smooth.
Research on Effect of Amylose on Frozen Dough Rheological Properties and Fermentation Capacity.
Allow the braided dough to rise one last time upon a baking sheet until it is the desired size.
The recipe called for more than 150 pounds of gingerbread dough and 250 lbs of white chocolate.
Knead the dough on a lightly floured work surface until the dough has become smooth and elastic.
台面铺上少许粉, 放上面团, 用手揉搓成至光滑有弹性。
Prick the dough randomly with a toothpick or a fork, then bake in the preheated oven for 1215 minutes.
用牙签或是叉子在上面叉出小孔, 然后入烤箱烘焙1215分钟。
Dough figurine made of colored dough remains colorfast and intact without getting decayed for decades.
We would spend one or two afternoons rolling out dough and decorating cookies with sprinkles and icing.
An artist crafts a dough figurine of US President Barack Obama, made from flour and water, in Shenyang.
Then adjust to middle speed and knead for about 5 minutes until dough comes off easily from bowl and smooth.
Take the dough out of the large mixing bowl, and use your hands to mix the dough until its smooth and feels soft.
将混合好的面团从大腕中取出, 用手揉至面身顺滑柔软。
Fold gently with a wooden spatula. Knead into a dough ball. Wrap dough with plastic wrap and chill for 28 minutes.
They can roll and flatten play dough. They can learn how to mould the play dough into different shapes by pinching.
学会基本的团泥方法搓, 压, 捏, 拼装。
Place the tile on the bottom rack in the oven, and preheat your oven while you make your dough and assemble the toppings.
准备好所需配料, 并在做生面团之前把烤炉加热。
The most popular dim sums are Shrimp dumplings, steamed dumplings with the dough gathered at the top, beef balls, and rice noodle rolls.
最受欢迎的点心是虾饺, 带摺的蒸饺, 牛肉丸和肠粉。
But dough is what we're working with, and we take that dough to the oven, and it goes into the oven. As soon as the interior temperature of that dough.