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单词 drop 例句大全,用单词drop造句:

How much dew would a dew drop drop if a dew drop could drop dew
White light. Black absorbs light. Drop black. Color is critical.
白色反光, 黑色吸光。抛掉黑色。彩色很重要。
That's the gravitational acceleration if we drop an object here.
The Properties of Drop and Weak Drop in Substitution Spaces PxXn
One might argue that this is just a drop in the adaptation bucket.
有人可能辩解说, 这不过是适应资金桶中的一滴水。
Drop by drop the ocean is filled,stone by stone the wall is build.
The water desert drop drop in filariasis is expensive be like oil.
How much dew would be a dewdrop drop if a dewdrop could drop dew ?
From the life of drop by drop, in the company of concern and care.
If we drop one variable, we must also drop one equation of motion.
如果我们去掉一个变量, 则必须同时去掉一个运动方程。
She gets the women to plant new trees and water them, drop by drop.
她让妇女们种植新的树木并且进行浇灌 慢慢地
The integration of a drop of water to drop, also gentle fanaticism.
一滴水到一滴的融合, 轻柔亦狂热。
Analysis of Call Drop Problem for Remote Access Server on Server Side
Property tax will make commercial housing prices to drop accordingly.
Thank God there was not a drop of rain on the actual day of our trip.
Surface active agents. determination of interfacial. drop volume method
Actual operation shows this form can improve the backup of powder drop.
实际运行表明, 该型式煤粉混合器可改善下粉不畅现象。
Pearls fell drop by drop, as subterranean waters filter in their caves.
Her tears drop a drop in on the phone, he thought it was a radio noise.
她的眼泪一滴一滴落在话筒上, 他却以为那是电波的杂音。
To drop the constraint, first drop the article associated with the table.
若要删除约束, 请先删除与表关联的项目。
As long as when access to dry hands, do not drop into the water not moldy.
How do we cooperate with drop, line, side of internal accounting control ?
如何做到内部会计控制点线面的结合与协同, 等等。
And if you drop them at the same time, maybe they'll drop at the same speed.
假如同时扔下去 也许它们的速度是一样的
to abandon the foot of the water drop, it will seep into the soil moist earth
把一滴水水弃之脚下, 它会渗入土壤滋润大地
You notice some details very, very, very accurately and other things drop out.
能异常敏锐地注意到细枝末节的事情 对其他事情置之不理

单词 drop 释义

  • 单词释义:落下;(使)降低;使掉下;累倒;中途放下;停止;把…除名;急剧倾斜而下;给…送到;断绝往来  [更多..]



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