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单词 dizzy 例句大全,用单词dizzy造句:

This aqueduct of the sewer is formidable it interlaces in a dizzy fashion.
这个污水沟渠实在太可怕, 它的交叉使人晕眩。
They had eaten only a few pieces when the young Master said he felt dizzy.
Otis asked, and turned to see three dizzy bullfrogs.'Well, of course I did!
Other warning signs include losing consciousness or becoming dizzy and weak.
As I swung down from out of my bunk, I got dizzy and misjudged the distance.
At you dizzy head going to say white to her before, listen me few arrow talk.
I supported her with my arms getting upstairs, asking if she still felt dizzy.
我扶着萧然上了楼, 问她头是不是还晕。
Why to crouch one small conference the head is very dizzy at the moment black ?
But I think diseases have no eyes. They pick a dizzy finger anyone, just anyone.
我想疾病没有眼睛。它们昏乱的指头会挑到任何人, 任何人。
The Study of Prescription and Drugs to Prevention and Cure Dizzy in Ancient Times
But get dizzy with success during, do not take care, give artificial eye swallowed!
但是自得忘形之际, 一不小心, 把假眼给吞了!
Liu Chang listens to deliver dizzy, is this what mean ? How doesn't he comprehend ?
Sister suffers from fear of blood. Whenever she sees blood, she feels sick and dizzy.
妹妹晕血, 看见血就恶心头晕。
Grandma know that the house work, was angry and urgent dizzy an empty purse yesterday.
To confess the truth, I began to feel dizzy and then I got palpitations and felt limp.
I caught a glimpse of Dizzy's mast hitting Dick fair and square on the top of his head.
I felt dizzy after the accident, but the doctor assured me the dizziness would soon pass away.
事故后, 我感到有点头晕, 可医生告诉我说头很快就会不晕的。
Above all the will deepest color along eyelash line daub, and in a way is outward dizzy leave.
I already contracted this kind of disease old, come on with respect to very dizzy, very afflictive.
I was sick exceedingly, and dizzy andand thus compelled perforce to accept lodgings under his roof.
我难过极了, 而且头昏脑胀, 因此不得不在他的家里借宿一宵。
My dizzy brain shoulded regarded as mahjong version in a Shanghai to see repeatedly, connected rise.
You also can suck the redundant grease on eyelid to stop in case with oil absorption paper dizzy catch.
The high guy turns to finish in the forest inside one and other, make the heads are all dizzy to bask.
Dont blow too long or your onscreen persona will get lightheaded and dizzy, wasting precious candleblowing time.
Mr Zhao is weak and cannot do much for himself without getting breathless and dizzy, so I give him some assistance.
赵先生身体弱, 一干活就头晕, 气喘吁吁, 所以我来帮他。

单词 dizzy 释义

  • 单词释义:头昏眼花的;使人眩晕的,引起头晕的;昏乱的;愚蠢的  [更多..]



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