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单词 ditchwater 例句大全,用单词ditchwater造句:

The lecture was as dull as ditchwater.
I tried to read her latest book but found it as dull as ditchwater.
我试着读她最新的书, 但发现那本书非常单调乏味。
This novel is as dull as ditchwater, it doesn't have any decent plots.
Hed be sharper than serpents tooth, if he wasnt as dull as ditchwater.
他如果不是一个枯燥乏味的人, 就一定是个尖锐如蛇牙的人。
The Andersons are very hospitable, but an evening spent with them is as dull as ditchwater.
安德逊一家十分好客, 但是和他们待一个晚上却是十分乏味。
The book I've been reading is as dull as ditchwater, it has no story or any interest at all.

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