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单词 disturb 例句大全,用单词disturb造句:

What a pity! Charming and mystic idea could be disturb by outer noise.
If you do not condemn noise, you will find it ceases to disturb the mind.
如果你不谴责噪音, 你就会发现它不再打扰头脑。
He did not disturb the wretchedness of her mind by illtimed conversation.
For some people, any food or beverage with caffeine in it can disturb sleep.
These instructions may, at first, seem abstract. Do not let this disturb you.
这些训示起初可能看来空洞无物, 别因此困惑。
In some cases, they could even tick a do not disturb box to avoid awkwardness.
These verbs mean to disturb or disquiet a person so as to evoke moderate anger.
The very act of accommodating itself to its own reflection would disturb it anew.
Don't walk through desert puddles, mud holes, or disturb surface water in any way.
不要以任何方式穿过沙漠里的水坑和泥坑, 或搅动表层水。
Don't disturb them, the chairman is having a detailed conversation with some people.
At any rate, Catherine, destitute of cash and friends, cannot disturb his possession.
毕竟, 凯瑟琳无钱无势, 是不能干预他得产权得。
We sent the horses to a considerable distance, lest they should disturb the children.
为了不让马儿打扰孩子们, 我们把它们拴得很远
Quietly, so as not to disturb the child's mother, he rose and inched toward the cradle.
为了不吵醒孩子的母亲, 他轻轻起来, 一点点挪近女儿的摇篮。
Yet, worried as they were, they didn't dare to disturb the silkworms by looking inside.
这样地, 心是焦灼着, 却不敢向山棚上望。
Any attempt to disturb or destroy these compromises, being terms of the compact of union.
During illegal duplication the spatial relationship is disturb which can be easily detected.
在非法复制期间空间关系被干扰, 这可以容易地检测到。
He scooped out a little the earth, being careful not to disturb anything that was underneath.
Infection of exoteric microbe could disturb transportation of sperm and affect male eugenesis.
When airplanes, particularly propeller aircraft, pass through the clouds, they disturb the air.
Please forgive my curiosity, I have no intention to disturb your dreams.'Cos I'm in my dream, too.
原谅我的好奇, 我无意于搅扰你们的梦, 因为我也在梦里。
You know its my soninlaw that insisted on calling you. I wouldnt disturb you for anything so minor.
Students who use speakers, computers, or other acoustic equipment must take care not to disturb others.
在宿舍内使用音响, 电脑等应以不干扰他人为前提。
Evening rest when the next door dormitory is too noisy, I really cannot bear it. Affect my bedtime, disturb my study.
The jury in Dearborn, home to one of the countrys largest Muslim communities, said such a protest would disturb the peace.
只租给一个女生, 多人或者情侣或者男生请勿打扰。
She stood on the stone porch outside the window and gazed unwinking at the white gauze curtain, holding her breath and being as quiet as possible so as not to disturb the boy inside.
她不闪眼地立在窗前石阶上, 仰望着白纱窗

单词 disturb 释义

  • 单词释义:打扰,打断;使焦虑;搅乱  [更多..]



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