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单词 distribution 例句大全,用单词distribution造句:

Effects of Exogenous ABA on Excitation Energy Distribution and Osmotic Adjustment of Maize Seedlings Under Salt Stress
Taking Dirichlet distribution as prior distribution, the method for determining prior distribution parameters was given.
以狄氏分布作为先验分布, 给出了先验分布参数的确定方法。
The characteristics of the stress distribution in the clamping plates under abnormal track conditions are also discussed.
Effect Light Distribution Characters on Photosynthesis Quality Distribution of Red Fuji Apple Trees Trained in Vertical Axe
The main distribution manifold supplies the passenger compartment overhead distribution system through tow sidewall risers.
On Operational Models of Income Distribution According to Work as Main Form and Develop Diversified Methods of Distribution
The distribution system that distribution according to work is leading factor and diversified distribution methods coexist.
The heat point distribution and temperature field distribution of the system was studied by steady state thermal simulation.
Absolutely equal distribution of supplies was demanded, and there was objection to somewhat larger allotments in special cases.
分物品要求极端平均, 不愿意有特别情形的部分多分去一点。
The internal friction coefficients is deduced from the law of Maxwell distribution of velocities and distribution of meanfree path.
We should improve the system under which distribution according to work is dominant and a variety of modes of distribution coexist.
The distribution patterns of diseased plants seriousness in overwintering period and flowering stage were of aggregation distribution.
The distribution of pollutant concentration is closely correlated to the distribution of pollution source and the discharge of pollutant.
We should take concrete steps to promote reform of the grain distribution system and stimulate the distribution of agricultural products.
Analysis with the Relation between the Distribution According to Work and the Distribution According to the Essential Factors of Production
An Analysis of the Problems and Their Solutions of Combining Distribution according to Work with Distribution according to Productive Elements
Third, we should take concrete steps to promote reform of the grain distribution system and stimulate the distribution of agricultural products.
A theoretical distribution that is a good approximation to the binomial distribution when the probability is small and the number of trials is large.
Comparison between fitting results of four distribution functions and asymptotic distribution of the yearly maximum surface temperature over Chongqing
The aberration and the distribution value of blur spot on the intersection point of the orientation of image were calculated by the light focus formula.
The effect of the specific surface area and pore radius distribution of inorganic materials on the capacity of absorbing and desorbing moisture in the air
We should abandon indiscriminate egalitarianism and implement a system of distribution according to one's work, by which people will be enthusiastic to work.
The Species Composition and Distribution of the Planktonic Copepods in the Xisha and Zhongsha Islands China THE DISTRIBUTION OF PLANKTONIC COPEPODS IN THE SOUTH CHINA SEA
Mineral composition and their distribution patterns in the sediments of the Huanghai Sea distribution of agglutinated foraminifera in bottom sediments of the Zhujiang River Estuary.
The concept of controllability distribution is introduced for nonlinear singular control systems, and the feedback invariant properties of this controllability distribution are discussed.

单词 distribution 释义

  • 单词释义:分配;分布;分销  [更多..]



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