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单词 disorderly 例句大全,用单词disorderly造句:

This kind of mood confuses a person, and then is a disorderly person mental of.
这种心情是迷惑人得, 又是乱人心智得。
One day, a disorderly lawbreaker, Russell Bean, refused to appear before the court.
一天, 一个杂乱违法者, 罗素豆, 拒绝出现在法院面前。
Having been hungry for a long time, the monkeys fell asleep soon, lying disorderly.
How much more we speak Chinese, you cant hear dare disorderly comments about my tone
何况我们说的是中文, 你听不懂就敢乱评论我的语气?
And, to confront the disorderly world means to confront the human condition as such.
并且, 面对混乱的世界就是面对如其所是的人类状况。
And implementation is behaved for public matters mixed and disorderly, big differences.
而执行方面则表现为公开事项杂乱, 差异大。
The risks of a disorderly fall in the US currency appeared to increase over the weekend.
Stop disorderly stick disorderly painting, random stop disorderly put etc. Not civilized.
制止乱贴乱画, 乱停乱放等不文明行为。
If the curl becomes disorderly again, it is possible to do this procedure again many times.
如果卷发再度散乱, 就回家再做多次护理程序便可以了。
A police officer was knocked unconscious during the arrest of a man for disorderly conduct.
当在逮捕一位扰乱秩序的男人时, 有一位警察被敲昏了。
The convicted judge was thrown out of office.The headwaiter threw the disorderly guest out.
Commonly used reach at shucking off armpit hair, long eyelash mixed and disorderly growth brow.
You should keep your movements on the horizon, or the audience will see a disorderly performance.
Managed the vexed and disorderly thoughts and feelings in reason later on, push door to walk out.
Bush said without the money, manufacturers faced the prospect of disorderly bankruptcy and liquidation.
布什说, 没有这笔钱, 汽车商们即将面临无序破产与清算。
In other words, whether does the automobile finance production and develop in a disorderly way may follow
也就是说, 汽车金融的产生与发展是否有规律可循?
Untreated titanium ion and water molecules move independently, which generate disorderly biological current.
pack material should be material on the head chuck hole, gently shot enter, prohibit disorderly upset knock.
装料时须将料头对准夹头孔, 轻轻击进, 不准乱打乱敲。
Afterwards you escaped from depravity of world the life is at this world that disorderly and numerous afresh.
Note how the dysplastic cell nuclei are larger and darker, and the dysplastic cells have a disorderly arrangement.
Research on an Assessment Metric of the Production Operating Disorderly Complexity for the Manufacturing Enterprise
The sword of a way harms everywhere, the hair in excellent disorderly criticizes to scatter, unspeakable and anguished.
Fiber thinning and disorderly arrangement of denerved skeletal muscles were observed and apoptotic bodies were detected.
Because have no the dint!Because vexed disorderly!Because that also cannot tear apart forever, pull the clear anticipation!
因为无力!因为烦乱!因为那永远也无法扯开, 扯清楚的期待!
A few branches reached about a little disorderly at the side, I thought, and there was a big bare branch showing the middle.

单词 disorderly 释义

  • 单词释义:杂乱的;凌乱的;妨碍治安的;无法无天的  [更多..]



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