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单词 dismissive 例句大全,用单词dismissive造句:

Einstein himself was a little dismissive of his own high IQ.
If dismissive, then please tell me, what is called true love
如果不屑一顾, 那么请告诉我, 什么才叫做真正的爱情?
You shouldn't have been so dismissive of me in front of him.
I was completely stymied by her manner was coldly dismissive.
她的态度冷淡, 不屑一顾让我完全陷入了困境
Reviewers were dismissive, and the play closed within a week.
由于评论界持否定态度, 该剧上演不到一周便停止了。
However, historians are sometimes dismissive of its net value.
不过, 历史学家有时漠视其净值。
Cais dismissive attitude toward the government is also typical.
Meanwhile, Guy is believed to be dismissive of the relationship.
与此同时, 据悉, 盖对妻子的这段罗曼史表示轻蔑。
I only went down there to commiserate, and he was very dismissive.
European coffee brewing all the stress, Americans are dismissive.
Here, Krugman is characteristically dismissive of alternative views.
She smiled and faintly dismissive, gesturing to the robe on his arm.
她绕有爱好地笑笑, 略为高傲地指指他手臂上的睡袍。
Electronic calendar users can be dismissive of their paper forebears.
Now, as it happens, this is one I'm going to be completely dismissive of.
She smiled, amused and faintly dismissive, gesturing to the robe on his arm.
她绕有兴趣地笑笑, 略为高傲地指指他手臂上的睡袍。
John McCain, the prospective Republican nominee, is similarly dismissive.
They partner with the state, even when they are dismissive of its bureaucracy.
Mr. Jones was dismissive of the report, saying it was riddled with inaccuracies.
As ever, though, it is fashionable to be critical of the president, even dismissive.
然而, 对总统苛刻, 甚至是蔑视, 向来就有。
Chronic fatigue syndrome was known by the dismissive term"housewife syndrome".
Ahmadinejad remained dismissive of the allegations of voterigging as he urged Iranians to stand together.

单词 dismissive 释义

  • 单词释义:拒绝的;轻蔑的,鄙视的  [更多..]



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