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单词 disposed 例句大全,用单词disposed造句:

Assets disposed of in that period can be reclaimed by the insolvency representative.
Later, she cut up her rubber sandals and disposed of the clothing she wore that day.
再剪破拖鞋, 并把当天穿的衣服丢掉。
The problem of who would be elected new chairman of the club was quickly disposed of.
To Adam Warner's surprise, the Jennifer Parker case would not be disposed of so easily.
可是出乎意料, 这个案子竟无法轻易脱手。
The waste gas carbon dioxide is produced as a byproduct and disposed of when we exhale.
The ringlike elastic belt is not disposed in the crotch panel of the absorbent main body.
I am disposed to agree with you as far as the selection of the location of the new theatre.
The pair of sidewalls is disposed between the tread and the pair of parallel annular beads.
There are some evil persons in the villages ahead, that might be disposed to meddle with us.
前面村子里有些坏人, 恐怕会来找麻烦。
A protrusion forming a ridge is disposed on one of the roof of the barrel and the plunger head.
A good example of that is CH4, because the CH bond is polar but symmetrically disposed in space.
Aqueous phase simply disposed by calcium oxide can meet the environmental protection requirements.
水相经生石灰简单处理后, 达到环保排放要求。
The at least three attachment sites are provided by the longitudinal pin disposed within the bore.
He is thus disposed to relieve, it will be easily conjectured he found numbers disposed to solicit.
Students are well disposed towards the idea of moving their accommodation nearer the University site.
Residual or process hydrogen chloride within the system should be disposed of using a caustic scrubber.
Where a piece of property belonging to another person was disposed of by a person without the power to do so
The assets identified will be disposed of and written off in accordance with the UNOPS Financial Regulations.
He had abandoned wish of saving him, and was no longer disposed to retard the more serious part of the torture.
他不再想挽救他, 不打算再拦阻对他施用更严酷的刑罚了。
A bracket for accommodating the circulating box is disposed on the lower end of the bracket for the plastic box.
The sealant is disposed between the first basal plate and the second basal plate and surrounds the lighting tubes.
She was perfectly disposed to make every allowance for the colonel's advanced state of life which humanity required.
The rechargeable batteries that power your wireless headset must be disposed of properly and may need to be recycled.
All proceedings under the Ordinance shall be disposed of in chambers unless the judge hearing them otherwise directs.
The cilia move the bacteria out of the nose into the throat passage where they are swallowed and disposed of in the stomach.

单词 disposed 释义

  • 单词释义:有意于,有…倾向的;愿意的,想干的  [更多..]



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