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单词 disciplined 例句大全,用单词disciplined造句:

Is a worker terminated or disciplined who is not willing to work in overtimes?
Americans prefer to discipline themselves rather than be disciplined by others.
美国人宁愿自我约束, 也不愿受人约束。
Three Staff Side Representatives of the Disciplined Services Consultative Council
He's a well-disciplined, highly-motivated person with a strong desire to succeed.
They were highly disciplined and masters with using the bow and arrow on horseback.
I 'd trained, sweated and disciplined myself for six years, with the Games in mind.
Where the circumstance is serious, such persons shall be disciplined by the company.
情节严重的, 由公司给予处分。
Maintaining a disciplined and healthy lifestyle adds depth to the artist and athlete.
Krafts management said it would be disciplined, but intended to pursue a hostile bid.
卡夫的管理层称这是合理的收购, 而不是恶意并购。
If your breathing isn't controlled and disciplined, the diaphragm may be complaining.
如果你的呼吸失去控制或者不够规律, 横膈膜就要抱怨了。
Ill disciplined and fierce peasants from the Highlands armed with a basic hand weapon.
Certainly, civil defence is no substitute for a disciplined, professional police force.
Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it.
Every day I learn from Conrad as he makes the elegant choices of a disciplined filmmaker.
This was a very practical demonstration of why the Army trained people to be disciplined.
How pleasant and sweet to behold brethren fervent and devout, well mannered and disciplined!
若我们见热心的弟兄, 良善温和, 循规蹈矩, 心中是多麽愉快!
Our cheat sheets were found by the teacher. We all got disciplined to the maximum extent afterward.
Impact of the general recruitment freeze for the civil service on disciplined services departments.
The security troop is the main force to maintain the safe, stable, harmonious and disciplined campus.
When we are judged by the Lord, we are being disciplined so that we will not be condemned with the world.
You must be very disciplined and methodical in identifying target customers and their needs in corporate gifts and flowers.
Disciplined and calm, to await the appearance of disorder and hubbub amongst the enemythis is the art of retaining selfpossession.
以治待乱, 以静待哗, 此治心者也。
One of the really interesting things that I learned is that once upon a time, this idea of having a trained, disciplined, cultivated memory.
其中一个就是 曾经 训练 规束 培养记忆力的这种概念
They are well disciplined professional soldiers who fight as heavy cavalry with unbroken lances, and are well protected by the finest Roman plate armour.
Officials with the Diocese of Paterson say the directive is a matter of safety, not censorship. No one has been disciplined yet, said Marianna Thompson, a diocesan spokeswoman.

单词 disciplined 释义

  • 单词释义:受过训练的;遵守纪律的  [更多..]



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