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单词 discernment 例句大全,用单词discernment造句:

It establishes relationships and analogies utilizing discernment and intuitive analysis.
Characteristic values analysis and fuzzy discernment for the fault status of the wire rope
He who ignores correction despises himself, he who heeds the reprimand acquires discernment.
听从规劝的, 必获得机智。
A rich man may be wise in his own eyes, but a poor man who has discernment sees through him.
So even though this is just training in concentration, there's also a lot of discernment involved.
因此, 即使只是定的训练, 这其中仍然包含着许多的明辨。
You have to be endowed with the human values of circumspect mindfulness and reasonable discernment.
Maintaining the passion of purpose while avoiding the pit falls of making hasty decisions with little or no discernment.
Complex and densely plotted, this is not an ordinary thriller and suspense story, but far more a discernment into human emotions.
复杂及紧凑的程度, 远远的超过一般的悚然及悬疑的小说。
A New Attempt on Identifying the Discernment Criterion of the Object of Litigation on the Occasion of the Combination of Substantial Petition Rights

单词 discernment 释义

  • 单词释义:<褒>识别能力;洞察力;敏锐;精明  [更多..]



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