Thanks to disciple Chang Wang for rearranging the calligraphy and adding the seal.
Disciple Hong Fu spent 3 days to write up the request attached for these two poems.
As requested by disciple Jing Xing below one poem in calligraphy and files attached.
应弟子敬行以下之提请, 一翰墨诗作及其档案附呈。
As requested by disciple Ben Jing below I had written the calligraphy for his study.
应弟子本敬以下之提请, 我已为他的书房写了翰墨。
What other each performance is Buddhism idols and so on Buddha, disciple, Bodhisattva.
As requested by disciple Hao below one poem is written in calligraphy. Two files attached.
应弟子浩以下之提请, 一首诗已手书成。两个档案呈上。
Dang, a disciple of Chu and authority then, had a power for interpretation, and spokesman.
邓氏来自权力核心, 拥有诠释及发言权, 本身又深习朱子儒学。
As requested by disciple Hai Ying below I had written the name of the seal in calligraphy.
As requested by disciple Hai Ying below, I had written a Dharma sentence into calligraphy.
As requested by disciple Jing Xing below I had written one poem by Guru Chen in calligraphy.
The disciple was frightened to death, and quickly fell on his knees to beg for forgiveness.
As requested by disciple Ben Jing below I had written the mantra of Guru Nona in calligraphy.
As requested by disciple Zhi Xuan I had written the Heart Mantra of King Gesar in calligraphy.
Disciple of a master pharmacist continuing education way advantages analysis and countermeasure
I am only studying personally under Mr. Wang, and he still hasn't agreed to take me as a disciple.
Disciple Jui Khin Yeo is completing a book in Chinese, The Blessing Light of Medicine Guru Buddha.
As requested by disciple Zhi Xuan below I had written the Heart Mantra of Kurukulla in calligraphy.
应弟子智宣以下之提请, 我已手书古鲁古里佛母的心咒。
Disciple Wang Hao sent his calligraphy of Heart Sutra and my Heart Sastra as presents for my birthday.
Yesterday disciple Jing Xing asked me to compose a dedication for his version of the Green Tara Sadhana.
As requested by disciple Zhi Xuan below I had written the heart mantra of five protectors in calligraphy.
应弟子智宣以下之提请, 我已手书了五护法心咒的翰墨。
At night, a scholar of Brahman went to see the Buddha, but was stopped by Ananda, a disciple of the Buddha.
As requested by disciple Jing Xing below I had composed a Praise to White Tara and written it in calligraphy.
The time for serving tea arrived, and the disciple was standing there in a foolish manner, not knowing what to do.
倒茶时间到了, 他在那边笨脚笨手不知道该怎么办。
In the past, it was always said that the author of The Book of Music was GONG Sunni, a disciple of Confucius's disciple.
Having formerly had the good fortune to study under Michel Foucault, I retain the consciousness of an admiring and grateful disciple.