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单词 disc 例句大全,用单词disc造句:

Study of Traction Coordinate Massage and New Acupuncture Hydrotherapy in Patients with Lumbar Disc Herniation
Alcohol is a powerful solvent, perfectly capable of dissolving fingerprints and grime on the surface of a disc.
酒精是强力溶剂, 对碟片上的指纹和灰尘有绝佳效果。
Treating30 cases lumbar disc protrusion with recipe acupoints abiding by meridian compounding rotation chirismus
Including abnormal curvature of cervical vertebrae, hyperosteogeny, narrowing of vertebrae tube and disc height.
This article introduces a new technology of prosthetic disc nucleus replacement to treat lumbar disc herniation.
The aforementioned behavior is a departure from the traditional sequential paradigm of a conventional disc drive.
There is an error ejecting the disc. Please wait until the player is terminated and then eject the disc manually.
Therapeutic Effect of Abdomen Needle Combined With Venesection on 72 Cases of Llubr Intervertebral Disc Protrusion
Observation on Lishui Tongluo Formula in the Treatment of Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Protrusion during Acute Phase
Treatment of 105 cases of protapse of lumbar intervertebral disc with yaotuo dingtong adhesive plaster and massage
Observations on the Efficacy of Deep Acupuncture of Jiaji Points for Treating Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Protrusion
And so you could see that as this disc rotates about this axis, it will create a disc of light that we can control.
Clinical Observation on Projecting Intervertebral Disc on Lumbar Region Treated by using of Qixingmeihua Acupuncture
He is accomplished in diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis, intervertebral disc herniation and osteoproliferation.
Clinical observations on the treatment of lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion by combined acupuncture and medicine.
The choice and analysis of different interventional therapy in aged patients with lumber intervertebral disc herniation
The front end of the measuring rod is provided with a disc, and the outside of the disc is provided with a sticking layer.
测量杆的前端设置有圆盘, 圆盘的外侧设置有粘贴层。
Lactate dehydrogenase isozymes of 18 species of Cyprinidae fish were analysed with disc polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.
Lactate dehydrogenase isozymes of 20 species of Cyprinidae fish were analysed with disc polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.
and the seed guide pipe and the fertilizer guide pipe are respectively near the insides of the small disc and the big disc.
One end of an angle rotation ruler is provided with a circular disc section. The circular disc is provided with an indicator.
一角度旋转尺, 其一端有一圆盘部, 该圆盘上设置有指标
Tbe Observation of Treatment Results of Lumbar Disc Herniation Using Chemonucleolysis with Extra Disc Injection of Collagenase
Conclusion Cervical dynamic nonequilibrium can accelerate the degeneration of nucleus pulposus of cervical intervertebral disc.
A prism polarizing disc compound glasses of the utility model is an accessional watching apparatus of a stereoscopic television.
Clinical Examples on treatment of Prolapse of Lumbar Intervertebral Disc with the Method of Differential Diagnosis in Accordance with the Theory of Six Channels

单词 disc 释义

  • 单词释义:圆盘;唱片;磁盘  [更多..]



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