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单词 disappointing 例句大全,用单词disappointing造句:

Soon, however, he found his work as a journalist disappointing and boring.
但是, 没过多久, 他就对记者这种职业感到失望和厌烦。
The film be build up to be a masterpiece, but i find it very disappointing
The team will be anxious to make up for a disappointing start to the season.
Her exam results were disappointing but she tried to put a brave face on it.
她的考试成绩令人失望, 但却装出若无其事的样子。
Disappointing, as there is the potential here for a truly breakthrough book.
虽令人失望, 但此书仍有潜力取得一些突破。
The play was built up to be a masterpiece but I found it very disappointing.
The recession is largely blamed for the disappointing response to the appeal.
She said she couldn't attend my birthday party, which was very disappointing.
The results are surprising and disappointing, heart and diabetes experts say.
Roger Too right. Its all very disappointing. Im beginning to consider my options.
The results of these renewed calls remain quite modest and somewhat disappointing.
The disappointing result of the experiment did not make the scientist disappointed.
Talking of their disappointing son, he is now a danger to his neighboring residents.
说起他们那个不争气的儿子呀, 他如今成了邻居们的灾星了。
As a whole, the achievement of military examination of Song Dynasty is disappointing.
客观地说, 宋代武举制度所取得的成果令人失望。
But then results from trials in Africa and Peru proved inconsistent and disappointing.
The company is banking on acquisitions to reverse three years of disappointing growth.
After another month of disappointing sales, the Manager is frightened, and calls again.
在另一个月失望的销售以后, 经理被吓唬, 并且再叫。
It is very hot like butt like defeating a balloon, make others and oneself disappointing.
The holiday was bad and the food dreadful. Altogether the holiday was very disappointing.
It is the most disappointing defeat of the season, particularly with the way we conceded.
His response to the enquiry was quite disappointing. I felt disappointed at his response.
The risk of a correction in the face of disappointing macroeconomic fundamentals is clear.
It is disappointing to see someone that is old enough to be sensible but fools around all day.
这么大了, 还不知道好好学习, 真不成器。
The bath was small and that was a bit disappointing but there was plenty of hot water from the shower.
浴缸很小, 有点让人失望, 但是热水供应很充足。
The energy giant's third quarter results,unveiled yesterday,were disappointing with losses of $50m.

单词 disappointing 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.使人失望的,令人失望的  [更多..]



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