It is against federal law to knowingly and willfully disclose or transmit classified information.
Are you brave enough to impeach or disclose the units or individuals that contaminate environment?
Do not disclose your PIN to any person of mark it on your card. Keep it separately from your card.
general airline manager points out a civilian battalion that does not wish to disclose a full name.
He refused to disclose what had been told him, on the ground that it would be a breach of confidence.
他拒绝透露别人告诉他的事情, 因为这是一种背信行为。
He refused to disclose what had been told him, on the grounds that it would be a breach of confidence.
The traders did not disclose the identity of the Chinese companies or the names of the intermediaries.
Scores of Americans have come forward in recent months to disclose their secret accounts to the I. R.S.
The enterprise may disclose the information of homogeneous sharebased payments on a consolidated basis.
attempt to obtain information, or disclose any knowledge acquired in respect of the vote of any elector.
The following description and related drawings disclose specific embodiments of channel stacking systems.
The relevant authorities shall not disclose the Business proprietary information provided by the dealers.
Shall not make use of or disclose such information without prior written consent given by the other Party.
The Joker wants to disclose the truth beneath the mask, convinced that this will destroy the social order.
Second, the company guaranteed the customer individual information did not disclose gives the third party.
第二, 公司保证不将客户的个人信息透露给第三方。
Interpreters and translators shall not disclose information acquired during the course of their assignments.
While outlining this process, the authors disclose his above poems characteristic of the masculine discourse.
If the company has entrusted loans, it shall disclose the issue with a reference to the aforesaid entrustment.
Issuers shall disclose about the change of recommending representatives in time upon the receipt of a circular.
The decision to disclose incest to the nonoffending mother may be affected by specific cultural and social factors.
Companies that did not disclose the necessary information or those under the process of bankruptcy were eliminated.
She dropped one hint after another to encourage him, but he remained big fool never dare to disclose to his own thought.
几次三番, 她向他暗示鼓励, 他却仍是木呐呆傻, 不敢开口。
If an issuer prepares the consolidated financial statements, it shall only disclose the consolidated financial statements.
Finally, patent applications should disclose the country of origin of any biological material or associated traditional knowledge.
最后, 专利被应用时应注明该生物材料的原产国。
Notwithstanding that the effect of compliance with such a requirement would be to disclose any privileged information or communication.