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单词 disarmament 例句大全,用单词disarmament造句:

We believe that we are failing to shoulder our responsibilities insofar as disarmament is concerned.
The next meeting of the Disarmament Commission will be announced in the Journal of the United Nations.
I wish to congratulate you on the assumption of the post of President of the Conference on Disarmament.
Review and appraisal of the implementation of the Declaration of the1980s as the Second Disarmament Decade
The disarmament of Iraq represents an unequivocal and unconditional demand of the international community.
The Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty is an important step taken in the process of nuclear disarmament.
Zhai said China has always supported and actively participated in the work of the Conference on Disarmament.
翟隽表示, 中方一贯支持并积极参与裁谈会工作。
The Republic of Yemen was among the first States to accede to a number of disarmament conventions and treaties.
The aim of disarmament is to increase security. And that must be universal security for all countries to enjoy.
裁军的目的在于增进安全, 而安全必须是各国的普遍安全。
That nuclear disarmament commitment applies to both horizontal and vertical proliferation of existing arsenals.
To that end, a disarmament committee and another committee responsible for reunification have been established.
There were presentations on the nuclear question in South Asia and on disarmament and development, among others.
Consequently, United Nations disarmament mechanisms have not been commensurate with United Nations capabilities.
We call upon all States to accede to and implement the international conventions on disarmament and arms control.
Such a quest, however, should not be at the expense of previously agreed instruments and disarmament obligations.
The vision of a world free from nuclear arms has powerfully stimulated disarmament and arms control negotiations.
He seemed seized for an instant as if by an anguished feeling that Kennedy did not really care about disarmament at all.
这类问题虽然值得去考虑, 但是并不是能立即解决的。
Nuclear disarmament and conventional disarmament have all along been the two priority tasks in the sphere of disarmament.
the Treaty Fraction the Fleet Fraction Naval Disarmament Conferences the independent supreme command authority Naval Holiday.
Nuclear disarmament and the total elimination of nuclear weapons are essential in order to avert the danger of a nuclear war.
This further begets a lack of willingness for mutual accommodation, making progress on nuclear disarmament even more difficult.
这又导致缺乏互谅互让的意愿, 致使核裁军进展更加困难。
Any nuclear disarmament policy, in order to be reliable, must involve abandonment of the policy of deterrence and the doctrine of force.
I would also like to express many thanks to the secretariat of the Conference on Disarmament for their assistance and willingness to help.
This document was attached to the reply received from Costa Rica and is available for consultation at the Department for Disarmament Affairs.
The full texts of the submissions and additional information attached thereto are available for consultation at the Office for Disarmament Affairs.

单词 disarmament 释义

  • 单词释义:解除武装,裁军;缴械  [更多..]



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