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单词 disseminate 例句大全,用单词disseminate造句:

It is an important purpose of hosting the Olympic Games to carry forward and disseminate the Olympic spirit.
We should make more efforts to disseminate this noble outlook among our people, especially the young people.
我们要向全体人民, 全体青少年努力宣传这种高尚的道德。
It had also helped to disseminate international humanitarian law in Central American and Caribbean countries.
WORD OF THE DAY disseminate to scatter or spread widely. The scientists findings have been widely disseminated.
Without this development it would have been impossible to disseminate the ideas of the Three Peoples Principles.
To distribute, rent or disseminate through information networks the software of the copyright owner to the public
向公众发行, 出租, 通过信息网络传播著作权人的软件的
Disseminate information and provide training related to purchasing and supply management policies and procedures.
传播信息, 提供有关采购和供应管理政策与程序的培训。
The relevant departments shall proactively disseminate and promote the agronomic techniques of honeybee pollination.
In addition, the creation and operation of networks will be supported to generate, update and disseminate knowledge.
Objective To disseminate the hospital culture and the superiority technology using the hospital cable television station.
In the Han Dynasty, the royal government sent special envoys to the Westto disseminate the culture of the Central Plains.
Tzu Chi's goal is to disseminate the seeds of goodness and guide people towards a world built with compassion and virtue.
By their use of the internet, propagandists have been able to disseminate their pet doctrines to new audiences around the globe.
On receiving the said information, the SecretaryGeneral of the United Nations should be prepared to disseminate it immediately and effectively.

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